
    Hey guys.

    So, since the dragon has been pushed off the arm and onto the back (and thus on the back-burner, no pun intended) I need to revisit my other thoughts for the arms.

    What I’m thinking of now would be my Phoenix tattoo, and I”m going to START by wondering if it can even fit, before I start planning something more about it 😀

    I just measured my arm and it’s only 13″ around, which probably means that I have a nice visible canvas of.. what, just over half that? 6-8″ wide?

    The general location would be something like this: (incidentally, I think that woman has bigger arms than I do… *sigh*)

    Now, my idea of the Phoenix is not the peacock’y flashy colorful bird with huge tail-feathers. My vision is just a regal and perhaps an eagle-like bird, who’s on fire and coming out of the fire so I guess most of the tail is still engulfed.

    As I am a fan of realism, I have to ask if it’s possible to fit a life-like bird’s head in-between the wings and the fire, on an 8″ wide canvas? The fire could easily wrap all the way around, but I guess most of the wings need to be visible from the side… no?
    It wouldn’t have to be super realistic and not have it’s feathers all detailed like savagejon’s phoenix
    but I’d like it to be somewhat realistic.

    Will it fit and not look like shit in a few years?


    eew im not a fan of the top one at all , scarification turns my tummy !

    is your Phoenix going to be one tattoo on its own or a sleeve ?


    Well, I figured that this tattoo would pretty much sleeve the arm, most of the way down to the elbow, but since it needs to be coming out of fire I am not sure how it could be easily continued below that. Nor am I in fact sure if I’d want the sleeve to go any lower than that.
    I work in architecture and they are pretty liberal, but I wear short-sleeved shirts all the time so if I make it larger I am making the decision to always let it be seen, every day, all day.
    That is one decision I have not made yet, but if possible I would like to end it in a way that MIGHT be continued all the way down, should I choose.

    And I think the scarification one is awesome, although definitely not my cup of tea. 🙂


    well my partners tattoo has a lot of detail in a smaller area , his arms are not very big really !
    I think the best thing you can do is find an artist that you like the look of their work and get them to draw you up something .
    Sounds like you know what you want and you can look online forever and not be able to find it !
    get busy making yourself a short list of artists and talk to them 😉 you will be able to get a feel if they are on the same “wavelength” :rolleyes:


    Is that top one really scarification or red ink?


    doesnt look like red ink to me , it looks very textured like healing flesh to me :confused:


    If that’s open wounds healing, then that’s nasty!!


    Hi Joker

    That is pro level scarification and damn you run some major risk of infection.

    I think the artist has used a mixture of scalpel and cautery method to seal the wound in. The roughness of the edge would imply a large amount of heat has been used as there is branding spread on the scar tissue.

    I love the design but it is something that I would not personally go for it is body modification which is a step way too far for me.

    Then again as I don’t deny I am quite conservative with my ink (I only go for small dainty ones ;)).

    Also as Tana mentioned I am a wimp (which is true I would make a lousy masochist I hate pain).


    Take Care


    LOL @ Matthew i actually said you was all whimps 😀

    Butterfly_Kisses;48946 wrote:
    I think the best thing you can do is find an artist that you like the look of their work and get them to draw you up something .
    get busy making yourself a short list of artists and talk to them 😉 you will be able to get a feel if they are on the same “wavelength” :rolleyes:

    Well, the entire (short)list in Iceland is one guy, and he has a 3-6 month waiting period. He also does not start to to draw a tattoo for you until 2-3 weeks before the actual inking. So I’ve been kinda avoiding going to see him with anything less than a 98% full design concept, because I’d hate to wait for 3-6 months for his drawings only to find out that we can’t agree on how to make things happen 😀

    I am actually trying to get some time off work to go see him and try to get 5 minutes of his time to discuss things. He only takes appointments for 2 hours each day, and the rest of the time he just tattoos and doesn’t have time for chit-chat. Difficult man to get a hold of.


    ohh i see , has this guy got a website so we can have a look at his work ? 😀

    Butterfly_Kisses;49033 wrote:
    ohh i see , has this guy got a website so we can have a look at his work ? 😀

    This is the work of John Paul, the guy I want doing this for me. He is also a designer for CCP and he designed a lot of Eve Online‘s characters and ships and so forth.

    And this is the work of Búri, JP’s apprentice for several years and a pretty good artist in his own style. He did my Taurus zodiac tattoo.

    And to make sure I didn’t sound wrong, there are quite a few tattoo artists in Iceland (maybe two dozen of them have actual shops) but JP’s style is awesome and his work is spectacular and he is the only one I trust to have the style and imagination to pull off my non-standard (perhaps never-before seen) tattoos. Hence, he’s alone on my short-list 🙂


    Some really nice work by JP in that link ArniVidar 😎


    i can see why you want him to do your tattoo . if it was me i think i would trust him enough to draw up my ideas 😉


    I liked reading these and scrolling and going “Hey, that’s me.” lol But yea my tattoo artist really turned my design and made it realistic, he knew a lot about birds and whats suppose to look right, but yet he was still able to make it different enough that people can tell its not an eagle. Unless they have no idea what phoenix is, but all the same. I hope to expand on my and maybe add a wing and some smoke. We’ll see. Good luck with your tat.

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