OMG Cant believe it Brittany Murphy died of a heart attack today at aged just 32 🙁
For those of you that havent heard of her she was in 8 mile.clueless.just married. girl interrupted to name a few. Have popped on a link too although the photo in it isnt exaclty flatering…she looked much better with blonde hair, so sad and such a waste only 6 days before christmas too!
I just saw this online. RIP
aw sad… and no more Luanne Platter…
Wow,just saw this ,and wathcing it on the news at the same time:(RIP,so young
Reckon drugs were involved? 32 is very young to suffer a heart attack…
To me she looked like she was doing meth, but her husband is asking for them to not autopsy her body. I wonder if he is trying to hide something.
That does sound pretty suspicious, I’d put money on her death being drugs related in some way, come to think of it.
He may not want an autopsy because he is hiding something or it might just be he doesnt like the thought of his wife being cut up and poked etc.x
Her drug use was pretty well known in Hollyweird
Even SNL did a skit on her doing drugs If I recall correctly
That said I know she struggled with Anorexia and that can def cause a heart attack at such a young age
Either way its Sh#tty
RIP Brittany
He’s not a celebrity, but the guy the movie ‘Rainman’ is based on died today of a heart attack too, aged 58 though. I think the term used to describe him was idiot savant – couldn’t tie his own shoes but could read two pages of a book at the same time using an eye for each page.
she was a hack sorry to her family but youlive life in the fast lane you die young theres alot more important things going on in the world right now than another hollywood”actress” dyingone less paris hilton if ya ask me
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