Hey guys and girls im looking into getting my first tattoo(s) but i have a problem,
A little back ground info firstly, im 20 years old and from the uk, im 6 ft 4 and rather skinny, putting on muscle doesnt work in anyway, believe me i have tried!
The tattoos im thinking of getting are firstly a sheffield united badge (link) just the white parts, my favourite football team, i know it sounds cheesy but i suppose they are a big part of my life, i spend most of my money watching them!
The second is the quote “your greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time you fall” ive been through alot over the last few months and when i remember this quote it seems to pick me up.
So where will the tattoos look best? I was thinking upper right arm for the crest although im not sure it will look right at all, with my skinnyness and maybe the calf or lower arm for the quote?
heres the crest:
Thank you in advance guys.
something like that would look best on either upper arm or your calf most likely. in my opinion. or on your chest. off centered to the side wouldnt look bad either
football badges always look best on the side or back of your calf .
if you have it on the top of your arm and then get hooked on tattoos and one day want a sleeve you will have trouble making a sleeve with a theme that matches your sheffield united badge .
also , my fella back in his 20s was the same 6 3″ and a beam bole now he has thickend out and wants his tattoos on his back and chest covered
if you have it on the top of your arm and then get hooked on tattoos and one day want a sleeve you will have trouble making a sleeve with a theme that matches your sheffield united badge .
also , my fella back in his 20s was the same 6 3″ and a beam bole now he has thickend out and wants his tattoos on his back and chest covered
thanks to both of you for the advise so far
can i ask you did your fella have tattoos when he was skinnier and if so how do they look now hes bulked out a bit? have they stretched and mis shapen a little ( if that makes sense?) or do they look fine.
also any ideas about where i could get the qoute anyone?
the one he had at the top of his arm just looks tiny on him now because it fit him when he was skinnier and younger :rolleyes:
I like the calf idea. I’m not much into football badges… but things of that sort shouldn’t be in primary locations for later growth and more detailed pieces.
I am a very skinny bloke as well and had the same questions/ concerns that you had. In the end I just went for where I wanted them to go – sod your skinnyness mate. The sizing of these tattoos is the key part. I am very happy with mine.
Take note of what has been said though as they are VERY addictive. If you are ever thinking that you may be interested in a sleeve, I’d be putting my ink elsewhere in preparation.
Good luck!
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