I’ve been thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking about some things about my right arm. I’ve had this skeleton playing guitar on my shoulder for years now. Just yesterday I got a bunch of stuff around it – skulls, smoke, and a dragon….it’s basically a heavy metal theme.
There’s the pic right there.
I like the tattoo, but I’m not 100% satisfied with it….but it just hit me today what I want to do to complete it. A music genre theme. See, my #1 hobby and passion in life is playing guitar. I’ve been in several bands – metal, rock, punk, cover, etc….and I LOVE every bit of it. I love metal, but it’s not all that I like.
So my idea for a sleeve is one section of my arm dedicated to heavy metal, which is what I already have. Then I get another section dedicated to punk rock…then another to classic rock…then jazz….then blues….etc….for a full sleeve dedicated to different genres of music. I mean what has more meaning to me then my #1 passion in life? Nothing!!!
So that’s my idea, and it just hit me today AFTER getting inked yesterday with the metal theme.
My only concern, and it is the same concern as a lot of other peoples’ is getting the forearm done because of work. I have an office job/career, and I don’t think my boss would be too happy about me getting a sleeve tattoo. On the other hand, I realize I only live once and I can’t let other people control what I really want to do….so I may just do it, and resort to wearing long sleeves all the time while I’m at work.
Thoughts, comments?
BTW, I’m new to this forum, and I definately dig it!
Thanks guys.
Thats a great idea mate, I’m going for about the same thing myself.
I’ve got a Metal piece and I want to expand it by adding another one for Punk.
I love the idea but how are you going to represent the punk rock theme?
And what background are you getting?
Cool man! For punk, I’m thinking I’m gonna have a stereotypical punk rock character hunched over with a microphone (as if he’s singing on stage with tons of energy). He’ll have a mohawk, and punk rock clothes on, and he will have an anarchy tattoo or shirt or something. For the background, I think I’m gonna stick to the smoke/fire theme. This will go on the back of my arm, and flow into the scene on the front.
I’m not 100% set on this idea, but I think it would be a good representation of punk rock.
I’m still stuck on what to do about the blues, classic rock, classical, jazz, and soft ballad themes.
Love the idea. A music sleeve is one of the things on my ToDo list 🙂
Well, as themed sleeve I’d think you’d need to establish flow of some sort. So Metal becomes Punk becomes Rock becomes Blues becomes Jazz becomes Ballads… moving down and around the arm. But that leaves the question, do you mind ending on a soft note? 😉
I’m going to get a punk drummer tattoo and do a tribal background. =]
Here it is, just the beginning.
Well, as themed sleeve I’d think you’d need to establish flow of some sort. So Metal becomes Punk becomes Rock becomes Blues becomes Jazz becomes Ballads… moving down and around the arm. But that leaves the question, do you mind ending on a soft note? 😉
That is an awesome idea for the flow…I’ve been non-stop thinking about this for the last 24 hours….I don’t think I will stop thinking about it until it’s actually on my skin!
Thanks for the suggestion.
Here it is, just the beginning.
That’s an awesome idea. I like what you have done so far. It looks awesome!
Thanks! =D
My third will be dedicated to country music. ^^
But I’ll have to start the punk one and the tribal background first. Haha
I have an idea, you could change the background between the music types or make it a “metallic” type by decreasing the number of those skulls till you get to the classic/jazz music, what I mean is; you’ll have tons of skulls at the metal theme, few less at the punk, few less at the… and so on.
Or you could go with the smoke and make it brighter as you get closer to the “lighter” music genres.
Darn! I might even do it myself! Haha
Starting with tribal and evolving it to… darn…no idea. xD
Ya man, that’s a sweet idea. I think I’m gonna just keep the skulls to the metal and punk sections though. I like the different background for each style part…
I’m doing it all in black/white too though, so there won’t be any getting lighter/brighter.
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