
The Member of the Week will chose the next member of the week after their turn is over.

Let’s have Sherav start us off as the first MOTW!


Thanks Gnarly.


Sure thing fire away I can pretty much (try and) answer most questions.

Just don’t be expecting answers on my passwords, bank details, where I live, etc 😀 but pretty much open to most questions.

Take Care


How old were you when you got your first tattoo?
Do you have any tattoo-related regrets?
How often do you clean your refrigerator?
Do you love me?



I was 26 when I got my first tattoo it was a leg piece text tattoo.

Tattoo related regrets – None so far. That said my wife keeps my wilder tat ideas under control.

I clean my fridge weekly.

I think what we have is called ‘in lust’ sort of like love but more fun.

Take Care


Hey 🙂

What really interests you other than tattoos?

If you could have an hour to talk to one person, dead or alive, who would you pick?

How did you meet your wife? (I like nice stories 🙂 )

I might be wrong but I seem to remember you saying you went to uni – what did you study?

(thanks for all your help and advice btw, I got the tattoo yesterday and I love it!)


Hi Poesy

Other interests other than tattoos?.

I love books mostly fiction or historical but I am also a mad fan on sumo wrestling, theology and mythology. I also love to write and have written 3 multi user dungeon games (muds) and 2 books. I am currently working on a third I want to get officially published.

If I could have one hour to talk with somebody I would be selfish and pick my deceased brother. Alternatively I would love to speak with Joan of Arc.

I first met my wife in a bar she refused the drink I offered to buy her but we got chatting when I rescued her from a pushy drunk.

When I was at university as a fulltime student I studied History and specialised in Totalitarianism Studies and Satanism and Witchcraft and the cultural effect on women (it was an easy set of modules it had a basis in feminism and they needed a man to run the course). Since then I have done further studies in theology, philosophy, counter fraud studies (my job), as well as several essays on tattooing and taboos in ancient and modern societies.

Looking forward to seeing your ink.

Take Care


What is your favorite dish?

How old are you?

If you were allowed to travel to any place in the world, without worrying about expense, where would it be?


Hey Guys,

I don’t want to be a control freak about this so I’ll make my suggestion and you can love it, like it or hate it and we can go from there. Here it is:

How about you (Gnarly) pick someone on the forum you would like to know more about. Start a new thread that reads “Member of the week: Sherav” and come up with, say, 20 questions in the thread. Through the week, Sherav has time to answer the questions and once he does, its then his turn to pick someone else by starting a new thread entitled “Member of the week: Poesy” with 20 of his own questions. Once that gets rolling then it could take off on its own and the path chooses itself.

What do you think?


Gsounder has a legitimate idea.
Dooo it.


Whilst I think it’s a good idea in terms of neatness, it does mean if you aren’t member of the week you can only witness the thread rather than participate, which doesn’t seem overly communal. Maybe carry on with everyone being able to ask question but start a new thread per new member?


Hi Gnarly

What is your favorite dish? – Weeping Tiger Steak

How old are you? 33 although some days feel 103.

If you were allowed to travel to any place in the world, without worrying about expense, where would it be?

Have to be Hawaii – always wanted to visit.

Take Care

Gsouder;68680 wrote:
Hey Guys,

I don’t want to be a control freak about this so I’ll make my suggestion and you can love it, like it or hate it and we can go from there. Here it is:

How about you (Gnarly) pick someone on the forum you would like to know more about. Start a new thread that reads “Member of the week: Sherav” and come up with, say, 20 questions in the thread. Through the week, Sherav has time to answer the questions and once he does, its then his turn to pick someone else by starting a new thread entitled “Member of the week: Poesy” with 20 of his own questions. Once that gets rolling then it could take off on its own and the path chooses itself.

What do you think?

I happen to agree with Posey, it seems to be more communal if everyone gets to ask the questions. But if more people favor this idea, I’d be more than happy to go along with it.

gnarly;68846 wrote:
I happen to agree with Posey, it seems to be more communal if everyone gets to ask the questions. But if more people favor this idea, I’d be more than happy to go along with it.

Well, nothing is stopping anyone from chiming in with more questions on the thread itself. It’s not like its going to be ONLY I CAN POST HERE HAHAHAHAH, but if you think it’s working this way then leave it the way it is… I was just making a suggestion!


Sherav you have to pick a new member of the week!

And I think starting a new thread like everyone suggested is a good idea.


my proposal would be to do things as you are already (new thread included), but have only one question at a time, and a minimum of 3 other members posts before you can ask another question 😉

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