
About to start a sleeve soon and I’m not too sure what to do.
I want it to involve music and if someone is creative enough I’d rather have a sleeve involving music and outer space.

Any ideas?

Morwin Nerdbane

Dude. You’re essentially asking people on a forum to do something that a tattoo artist is paid for. Generally speaking, people are not willing to put that much thought and effort into something that will more than likely be forgotten in a couple of days.

Think of a design or find a picture, post it and then ask for advice. People aren’t willing to do your leg work for nothing.


This actually kinda bugs me a bit, to be honest…you want a sleeve done, but you don’t know what of, really?…Yes, you have a couple ideas you wanna throw together, so do you want a sleeve done to be cool, or cause you’ve been thinking about it for a while and actually have ideas of ink that you actually WANT on your body FOREVER?…I think more ideas have to come from yourself, instead of some random person deciding it all for you. Just sayin’.


First of all I don’t think it’s really any of your business why I want my sleeve, I asked for ideas, if you have one then give it to me, if not….then don’t.

But, I can see you’re somewhat of a tattoo elitist, if you will.
So I’ll say this.
1.If I knew at all how to put together a sleeve, I’d be doing it rather than asking you guys.
2.Why go to my artist and have him put together a sleeve for me when it may not be able to be done as soon as I’m hoping it will be.

And since it’ll make you happy, we’ll just that…Yeah, I want a sleeve cause it’s cool, trendy, will get me girls, blah blah blah.

Morwin Nerdbane

So you’d rather request the help of strangers online cos an artist might take too long? Jeez man. It would seem you ought to grow up a bit before you get a sleeve.

Also, you really think people are gonna want to help you with a crappy attitude like that? I don’t.

Life lesson
1) Manners go a long way
2)Grow up before you destroy your body on impulse


Would you like us to dress you and kiss your girlfriend for you too? We could also make a sandwich for your lunch every morning and cut off the crust just like you like it.


Haha, this thread makes me laugh..turned a crappy morning into an okay one, good job Gsouder! And I agree with the having to grow up part before putting something on your body forever…people never cease to amaze.


what she said ^^^^^^^^^



Should be “what she said ^^^^^^^^”…..why does everyone think I’m a guy? wtf. lol. I’m not.


LOL woops my mistake.
all changed up 🙂


lol what they said ^^^^^^^^ haha that way i upset noone by gender mistakes lol


Lol, thanks. Sorry, it’s just happened more than once, so i finally decided to change my avatar as well, so ppl know. lol. Thanks again.

board_riider;74660 wrote:
it’s just happened more than once, so i finally decided to change my avatar

Wasn’t me!! :rolleyes:

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