Hello all,
I’m a forty something gay guy looking to get an old school tattoo and wondered if there were any that were seen as more typically gay? (I don’t want any variation on pink triangles or rainbows!)
Thanks in advance
Well, seeing as ‘old school’ people were generally extremely homophobic, I’m not sure the old school artists ever created something that could be considered gay. Masculine and Feminine, definitely, but not gay.
When I think ‘gay tattoo’ I see ponies and rainbows and other such stereotypical stuff… the stuff you don’t want 😀
Goood luck and all the power to you!
Of course there is!! Think Jim Ward. Piercings pretty much came to the modern society through the gay community in new york.
You should check out Alan Oversbys old work. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration there? 🙂
Not all of it is old school, but there is some. The community that surrounded piercings and tattoos in the 70s, didn’t have a whole lot to do with rainbows or pretty pink things 😛
Get a semi-nude man, but have him drawn and posed like a classic pin-up girl.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
A pin-up guy! Wow, that’s actually a really interesting idea.
And because of the accompanying mental image, I now have ‘Y.M.C.A’ stuck on my brain 😀
Lesbians use to get Nautical Star tattoos on thier wrists so they could identify each other.
There were a few of swallows or doves with blossoms in their beaks or red berries.
Anchors and roses/rose petals were often popular as well.
I have seen a few with icons of their favourite female actress Hepburn, Davis etc
I think it really depends on what it is about the lifestyle or culture that appeals the most.
Take Care
Isn’t a swallow kind of gay? :X
OK, ok…. couldn’t help it. Actually, I like the pin-up guy idea. That’s damn near genius and unique.
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