So I’ve had this tattoo idea for years and years, basically what it is going to say is – I will Sacrifice, im leaning towards the arm or chest i dont know yet but in between I will and sacrifice I want a figure kneeling , basically showing his dedication/honor/loyalty/ , ive been looking around to find what kind of person i want but i havent had much luck.
I was thinking of maybe like a roughed up warrior or a saint (I’m catholic) or even a hooded martyr.
just wondering if yall had any input and if this piece should go on my chest or arm?
Im leaning towards chest.
How will you sacrifice?
Are you getting it because you’re religious? Then get a saint or Jesus or something like that.
Are you getting it because you’re a solider? Then get a solider.
If you want it because you would do anything for your family. Get a nondescript nude man.
If you yourself not willing to sacrifice your life don’t get it!
I was a marine and unfortunately committed many sins, the sacrifice is to myself, to my family, to my loved ones that i will put aside all the bullshit to be the person they can always depend on.
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