Hey all,
I got my first tattoo yesterday, and I LOVE it except for one HUGE detail: the cheek crease thing on the girl’s face looks like a mustache. It’s only two small lines, and anywhere else it could be passed off as nothing, but a mustache on the girl on my arm isn’t really ok. Is there anything that can be done to fade or remove the ink while it’s still fresh? I’m going back in to the shop on Wednesday to discuss my options, and I’d like to gather folks’ opinions first. Take a look at the pic, and maybe you think I’m completely wrong and it looks fine, which would be great to hear. Thanks!
Looks fine to me, didn’t even cross my mind that it was a mustache. Congrats on the new ink!
Your right it looks like a foo man choo mustache. I think the cheek creases look out of place due to the lack of fine detail anywhere else. That being said it looks light and should tone down quite a bit. It looks nice congrats on the new ink.
What is it? If you dont mind me asking.
It’s sort of a representation of my first memory… when I was 3 I had this really beautiful doll, I think it might have been Russian or Japanese (yeah, pretty big difference but I was 3, what did I know?!), with an egg-shaped body and a porcelain face set into it. The doll rolled into the creek in front of my house where an alligator snapping turtle lived, and my dad went into the creek to save the doll.
The doll on the left is the closest picture I could find online to what my doll looked like:
… Wow. You need to get a second opinion on that.
I don’t think it looks like a mustache. I think the whole face looks like a grumpy, cartoon-style teenage Kurt Cobain!
Sorry, but I wouldn’t have guess that it was supposed to be female.
I’m trying to figure out if there’s some way to highlight/shade certain areas of the face to make it look more feminine. I’m not at all into stereotypical beauty, and most of the characters I illustrate are fairly androgynous in nature, so I don’t care if she looks like she could be either a man or a woman, but a mustache is straight up man. The tattoo artist I went to has a pretty impressive portfolio, and he did a good job representing the “body” section of the doll, but I guess he didn’t give much of a shit about the face. Oh well… I might end up doing color eventually, in which case I could add some pink hue to the cheeks or whatnot.
Does anyone think it would be worth it to talk to someone about having the “mustache” removed?
Second opinion? Meaning go to a different tattoo artist?
Yeah, I’m overall not very happy with the face. He did a great job with the “body” of the the doll, and the hair to an extent (I don’t like glamourous “pretty” hair, it was meant to be somewhat choppy, mussy and stylized), but I feel like not a whole lot of thought was put into the face. I may eventually get color, in which case I think a lot can be done to help. It’s just disappointing when you put trust into another person after doing a lot of research about the artists, and then they they don’t put a full effort into it. I’m an illustrator who does commissions for people, and I’m over-the-top careful about making sure my clients are happy with each and every step of the process, from the thumbnails to the final product, and I expect the same effort to be given to me. And if I didn’t “feel” a particular project, I’d tell my client so they could give a commission to someone else who would put their all into the project. Oh well, it’s a learning experience, and it didn’t put a foul taste for tattoos in my mouth.
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