i don’t know what to say
but i don’t let that stop me
so yeah
i ‘cut’ as an adolescent and branded myself in my 20’s (it was not a ‘thing’ then)
in between i had a severe case of cystic acne and most of my upper body is covered in scars
so i had a lot of time for reading
last year for some reason i got all this ambition for exercising and lost 80 pounds and got into bodybuilding and felt for the first time in my life like i might want to go shirtless
but there was only so much i could improve on my appearance
i was thinking maybe i might get some tattoos
What sort of tattoos are you thinking of getting and how big?
Take care
you know there are laser treatments for acne scars which helps reduce their appearance. but if you prefer to go the tattoo route what are you thinking of getting?
doctors have told me results from laser would be minimal
scarring is extensive on a large area
would seem to require a comittment to tattooing the entire back up to the hair line and part way down the arms or else not bother at all
don’t know if anyone ever successfully tattooed over something like this or not
hi pal, my partners dad had a motobike accident when he was younger and got a very nasty scar down his entire right arm.
he has had it covered with a full sleeve and has had no problems with it.
hope this help pal.
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