
So, what’s the trick for us nobody’s to getting into a chair of a well-known/popular artist to get work done?

My target artist at this point is Nick Baxter in Austin, TX. I’m in Milwaukee, WI so can’t just drop in. Any tips before I officially make my first attempt to reach out to him?


Be patient, be a little persistent without being a pain in the ass and have a creative concept the artist would actually really be in to doing. Sometimes if you can catch a top artist at a convention you might have better luck.


Make sure your tattoo idea is something that they are into. Conventions are the best way to get an appt. even if you can’t get an appt. at the convention go and meet them make them want to be the one to do your tattoo.
I had 3 different artists wanting to do my Yukon Cornelius tattoo. best of luck.

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