Hi all,
My name’s Chris, I’m nearly 19 years old and I’m thinking of getting my first tattoo soon.
I want a half sleeve on my right arm and I’m having trouble picking a design.
Last December I had a stroke which was caused by a genetic blood clotting disorder, I was flown to hospital where I underwent scans etc which told me that I’d had a stroke. I spent 2 weeks in hospital and the doctors told me I was very lucky to get out alive let alone without any permanent complications. I am currently on medication which includes blood thinners. Now I know I’m not allowed get tattoo’d whilst on the blood thinning medication, but they take me off the medication in a couple of months and this is when I want to get my half sleeve tattoo.
I’m having trouble thinking of what designs I could put on the sleeve to represent my incident and to represent how lucky I was.
Are there any symbolic designs that represent luck or strokes?
Any ideas would be much appreciated.