Hi, Okay well my friend Gilbert has recently started tattooing people he knows, he has never even seen someone do a tattoo, nor had one on himself
I have only had a bamboo tattoo done in Thailand beforehand, the guy used different gloves and changed needles when tattooing me and my husband.
Now, Gilbert came and tattooed me a week after my child died, i was a bit numb to life to be honest and just wanted something to commemorate her death and from someone i knew.
I have just (yesterday) got a proper professional tattoo done and i spoke to the artist about hiygene (she literally wrapped everything in clingfilm, including the machine she used to tattoo
Gilbert refused to wear gloves even and i had to really press him to wash his hands.
Anyway she talked to me about hepatitus and how dangerous it is, and how deadly it can be and now i am very freaked out that there has been such little hygiene from this guy.
I know i should have been more careful and what not, he is certainly not coming anywhere near me with a needle again.
But i am worried that he is continuing to tattoo people with the same tubes (but swapping needles) and taking absolutely no care about the dirt in the environment, or if he is protecting people from Hepatitis.
He has even tattooed a pregnant friend of mine, on the hand. Which is obviously not advised at the best of times but i am just concerned if he hasnt started spreading stuff around, he will begin to soon
He is pretty bloody minded but i would really like to gather some facts and information for him to perhaps stop him from tattooing people who are vunerable because they do not understand how easy it could be to pick up a potentially fatal virus from tattooing.
So if anyone has any information i could collate and pass on to him, i would really appreciate it
Needless to say he wont be tattooing me or my family again.
thank you x Fi xx
Hep is the least of your worries to be honest.
If there is some authority in your area tell them what he is doing if not get a mob together and smash his hands to pieces.
People say violence doesn’t solve anything but personally the people who say it doesn’t solve anything are wrong. 🙂
LOL Actually, to be completely honest, I am with you 100% on this one. There is a time for rational and reasonable discussion, but if that fails, you need to be ready to take it to the next level. Besides, for some people, self-preservation is the only thing they understand.
Back on topic though … read through those links OP, especially the last one. I doubt you will be able to convince him, since only a fool would even need convincing, but good luck.
It’s kind of like having sex with a stranger with no condom.
Thanks for the links, i had a really good look through them last night (but on my other computer so i couldnt respond then)
Unfortunately we live in a tiny sleepy city, there are no hard buggers around tattooing people that would be able to help me talk to him.
I wouldnt condone beating him up, but certainly threatening him with it if he carried on. I am sat in the position of realising just how much risk he has put me and also the rest of my family at. If i have contracted something from him (which is rare, as i said, sleepy town, not quite as dodgy as bigger city perhaps) then it will affect all my future children and that is something i am struggling to contain my cool about.
I think that the likelihood of him listening to a word i have to say is slim to none, as i said, despite asking him again and again, he refused to use gloves and barely washed his hands, kept saying that his mate had a tattoo made from squashed beetles and spit in India and hes fine.
I will send him the links, hope he reads them, but i fear all i can do beyond that is inform people around me that he is doing what he is doing, so that others dont end up in the same position.
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