
So, last week my fiance and i got tattoo’s. Eachothers name, For work reasons. i got mine on my shoulder, hers is on her chest. well a friend of mine said he was good at it showed me some of his work and i liked it. Well during the process he screwd up and the name isnt level. I want to get it fixed but i dont know how to go about doing that, what to ask for, ect.. I want her name there i was thinking maybee a bigger font size? im not sure, and help would be appriciated. thanks 🙂


hi, do you have pictures of the tattoos you got?


I do, one second.



I like the lettering, but as you can see it isnt straight. I was wondering if it would be possible to cover the name, with something and incorperate a new name into the new desighn


You go to a scratcher, you get what you get. Find a real artist and see what he/she thinks about covering that up. Laser might be in your future.


I don’t see that this could ever be straightened out. My suggestion would be to embrace the quirkiness of it, and let it remind you of two things:
A) Nothing is perfect, and to expect perfection is to live your life in constant disappointment.
B) Never get a tattoo done by someone of that caliber again. You can do so much better.

Also, I’m not trying to be a herald of doom here, but MOST relationship name tattoos are lasered off and covered in the end, since the ink is far more durable than the relationship. Thus, I wouldn’t recommend expending too much energy on getting it fixed.


Should of gone to a shop to get tattooed.

I myself have been tattooed by a scratcher on my arm when i was 15 over 14 tattoo’s ago. I’ve decided against getting it removed and im going to live with because it reminds me about that time in my life when i thought cheaper was better and will remind me to always go to a licensed studio.

Go to a licensed shop in the future and if your friends asks to tattoo you again just slit he’s throat for him.


you got what you paid for………a shit tattoo for little money,
I hope you choose to have a real artist cover this piece up and give you a good tattoo


I thank those of you who gave a constructive reply. as far as her name being removed its not likely to happen going on 8 years now. this was the first one and like i said ive seen alot of his other work and it looked nothing like this. its ok though i know it can be coverd up with something. i just dont know what im going in and asking for. that was my question. I would find a place. go in and ask to have this coverd and….?



There are 3 main options that you can go for;

1. Laser it off until it is gone or faded enough to get a full cover done over it.

2. Get it covered by expanding the size and a different font and maybe add some extra details.

3. Keep the orig design and work some filler background through and around it to make it look better.

A cover up wouldn’t be so hard but you need to let it heal for at least 2 months before attempting this.

take care


You need to find an artist that specializes in coverups, and let them help you come up with something that can cover it up.

To help the process along, however, I would recommend doing everything that you’re not supposed to do, and do it right away. Go to a swimming pool, go get 10 sessions in a tanning salon, smear it with anti-septic cream and so forth. That should pretty much ruin most of the tattoo, and thus make it that much easier to cover up.


I would get a custom tattoo to cover this one designed to remind me of my wife, and I may include her name

seek locaal collectors enthusiasts in your area, they can tell you who is very good at coverups in your area,
this one isnt that bad, it isnt that big, guys I work with could give you nice cover no problem, then you can wear something you will be happy with forever

Rasskindo;104192 wrote:
I thank those of you who gave a constructive reply. as far as her name being removed its not likely to happen going on 8 years now. this was the first one and like i said ive seen alot of his other work and it looked nothing like this. its ok though i know it can be coverd up with something. i just dont know what im going in and asking for. that was my question. I would find a place. go in and ask to have this coverd and….?

Try to find an artist who specializes in cover-ups (e.g. Tim Pangburn) and tell them you are considering a cover-up and see what they come up with. You may need to have it lasered in order to lighten it up a bit, which may give the artist a little more flexibility when designing the cover-up piece.

btw the comments about name tattoos are spot on, but it’s a little late now. She has your name on her so you can’t really back out now. Don’t do the name so big and bold that it can never be covered though. I’ve known my wife for 18 years and been with her for 14, but you never really know what the future holds. Personally, it wouldn’t bother me having her name on me after a split, but the next woman might not be so understanding.


if you wanted a quick fix while contemplating for a future coverup… i think putting it in a scroll or banner (not sure if i’m using the right words here)… the scroll’s folds/bends can follow the un-straightness of the name and maybe make it more pleasing to the eye at least tempoorarily… God i hate english, maybe something like this…

xanderx;104211 wrote:
the scroll’s folds/bends can follow the un-straightness of the name and maybe make it more pleasing to the eye

That would actually be pretty ingenious, BUT I see a problem.

While the banner would look good, it might just emphasize how bad the text is by comparison.

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