    Rick James

    Should I cover this up or see if someone can make it a presentable piece? Either way I know I want it bigger, thanks


    Cover what?


    im rick james, bitch

    Rick James

    I’m Rick James Bitch!!!!! Anyways that being said. The entire thing with something else or ?????


    Sure would be nice to see some pictures so we know what you are talking about

    Rick James

    I uploaded a pic and it shows on my screen.I’m on my phone right now give me a few and I’ll check it out on the computer when I get home. I posted a pic in the newbie treads that someone made a comment about so I know it shows up there if you don’t care to go there and check it out.


    I’d guess that the image is set so that only moderators and owners see it. You need to change the permissions so that it’s visible to all.

    Rick James

    Just changed it to public I hope it fixed it let me know if you can’t see it still.


    This could be as good as “gone” if you invest in some lasersessions. That would give a NEW ARTIST the freedom he’ll need to to a sick piece right there. It’s hard to find good artists that want to cover these things, and when you do, they are booked for two years ++.

    Rick James

    Wow. How much are laser sessions?


    More than you’d like, but less than getting another bad tattoo ๐Ÿ™‚


    The tattoo is poorly applied which is a good thing in this case, it’s pretty light so maybe one session with Mr.laser then you are on your way to a coverup. Spend time researching the laser clinic and the artist that will be doing the cover up. It’s a lot harder to cover a cover up.

    Rick James

    Is there a certain laser I should look for over another? Sorry to seem dumb just literally don’t know anything about it.


    Its good that you show interest in lasering, most people (and there’s been a few of those in here) throws away the advice we give them, and gets a cover-up without lasering which looks like more shit after it’s done. 10 of 10 times that happen.

    I’ve got no personal experience with lasers, but you will get some help in here ๐Ÿ™‚
    Here’s the part of the forum where you could start doing some research.

    Here for example, is one person who started cover-up without lasering.

    Rick James

    I’ve looked into the laser sessions and have seen where there around 150-300 per sessions and each tattoo can take 5-10 sessions depending on the depth color and what not but black is the best color to have taken off due to the response of the laser. @BertNaked 119716 wrote:

    Its good that you show interest in lasering, most people (and there’s been a few of those in here) throws away the advice we give them, and gets a cover-up without lasering which looks like more shit after it’s done. 10 of 10 times that happen.

    I’ll be honest if I have to spend 1,000+ dollars to have it taken off I’ll probably just leave it alone and say screw it, I don’t have to extra cash to just throw arond plus its on my back so I can’t see it anyways ๐Ÿ˜Ž One more question, I’ve been told that the tribal thing isn’t very liked on this board is the one reason for the dislike or does it look like shit even though? Honestly I like the concept and would go back with something similar if I could. Not that I dislike the animation type tattoos I just dont prefer them. Although I did see a picture of a scooba chicken on a tread in here that was pretty cool. Again thanks for all the input

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