
    To my petite peeps and those in conservative fields: Do you ever feel frustrated when you have your fellow tattoo buddies, these big 6′ 7″, 300 lb. guys who work in garages?

    I recently realized I’ve taken up a lot of space on my rib cage already… I wear between a 0 and 2 on top, and after the fourth planned tattoo, while I know this guy does lovely work, another big chunk of canvas is gone. I’m excited, but sad. For now, I’m keeping my arms bare, and lower legs, feet, and all that stuff. I admit, it’s frustrating. I know, I picked the career and I could eat on an extra 100 lbs., but I’ll pass. :p

    It reminds me when you have a little frame/less space how important it is to make good judgments about getting tattoos, and thankfully, I haven’t got anything I regret, although my last two pieces are certainly better than the first simple, small cherry blossom. Nothing wrong with it, just plain. 🙂

    For people with less room to work with, what have you done to feed your addiction? I’m thinking thigh sleeves and I still have the back and right side and a little on the top of the left to work with, as well as my upper abdomen. Where else do you folks put ’em on?


    Well – I am by no means tiny. But my biggest tattoo is my peacock and it is totally hidden, except in swimsuit weather or shorts. He starts on my lower ribs and goes down my side to just above my knee. It took over 25 hours total, done in nine months of monthly appointments. Then I swore I was DONE. Addiction sated. No more I said. Ever. DONE. After nine months of healing I was so over it.

    But I have 3 new ones since then plus another one planned for the fall.

    You can always find a spot for a new one – even when you want to keep them covered at work.


    My formal schooling was in horticulture. Mainly greenhouse production but with landscape design as well. The point you bring up is making my mind whirl. A large property with a manicured lawn, large stately trees, sweeping beds of annuals, prennials, and roses is a sight to behold. Just the same or even more spectacular is the miniature garden. Miniature roses, miniature ivies, shrubs, and of course, the bon-sai. Trees that have been painstakingly trimmed at the roots and branches to produce miniature awe inspiring masterpieces every bit as beautiful as the 150 foot tall mighty Oak tree.
    Enter the tattoo. I’m working on a pant leg, or leg sleeve in tattoo jargon. Whole back pieces are grand, but how about the “miniature”? The “ship in the bottle”? As I let my mind wander over the human body exploring the intricisies of the muscles, bone structure, and flesh, I want to make every inch count.
    Do you like fish and a sea based environment? How about a base of coral and seaweed? Many colors, and thousands of tiny creatures living within. How about a fallen tree with the roots exposed. Within those roots are many living things from small animals, to moss, and lychen. Lychen can be very brightly colored. Try catterpillars, brightly colored, and have several in their different stages culminating with the emergence of an adult butterfly
    I recently found a series of flowers with honey bees and other insects that were beautiful, and only the size of a silver dollar.
    My next session will be at the Derby Ink Invitational in Harrisburg, PA. Planned so far will be lightning bugs (fire flies if you live outside the Northeast US) and other fine details.

    Thanks for making me re evaluate my tattoo future.


    @Call_me_Lola 126023 wrote:

    But I have 3 new ones since then plus another one planned for the fall.

    Welcome to the club!


    My arm’s are nearly covered now only got a few small spaces, im bored with some of them on my other arm but im getting a full length texas chainsaw massacre piece that will cover some of my cartoon’s. In regard’s to dealing with it i just started thinking and came up with this. What is the actual point in life? if you think about it properly it’s pointless you’re born you go to school which you hate you work for some twat just because he pay’s you but you need to to be able to survive. You retire and enjoy 10-20 years before you’re dead so if you think about it properly life is pointless but our lifes are slightly more exciting because we have artwork on our skin when we could just be a plain boring average joe who hates he’s life and inject heroin.


    Yes more skin would be great. But I will take quality over quantity all day long.


    Regarding Wardy’s philosophy of life: Life is a shit sandwhich! The more “bread” you have, the less shit you have to eat.


    @Wardy 126028 wrote:

    My arm’s are nearly covered now only got a few small spaces, im bored with some of them on my other arm but im getting a full length texas chainsaw massacre piece that will cover some of my cartoon’s. In regard’s to dealing with it i just started thinking and came up with this. What is the actual point in life? if you think about it properly it’s pointless you’re born you go to school which you hate you work for some twat just because he pay’s you but you need to to be able to survive. You retire and enjoy 10-20 years before you’re dead so if you think about it properly life is pointless but our lifes are slightly more exciting because we have artwork on our skin when we could just be a plain boring average joe who hates he’s life and inject heroin.

    Agreed, except I like school. :p And I like the field of medicine. But my friend, you can be very insightful.


    @Call_me_Lola 126023 wrote:

    Well – I am by no means tiny. But my biggest tattoo is my peacock and it is totally hidden, except in swimsuit weather or shorts. He starts on my lower ribs and goes down my side to just above my knee. It took over 25 hours total, done in nine months of monthly appointments. Then I swore I was DONE. Addiction sated. No more I said. Ever. DONE. After nine months of healing I was so over it.

    But I have 3 new ones since then plus another one planned for the fall.

    You can always find a spot for a new one – even when you want to keep them covered at work.

    @Sam-I-Am 126025 wrote:

    My formal schooling was in horticulture. Mainly greenhouse production but with landscape design as well. The point you bring up is making my mind whirl. A large property with a manicured lawn, large stately trees, sweeping beds of annuals, prennials, and roses is a sight to behold. Just the same or even more spectacular is the miniature garden. Miniature roses, miniature ivies, shrubs, and of course, the bon-sai. Trees that have been painstakingly trimmed at the roots and branches to produce miniature awe inspiring masterpieces every bit as beautiful as the 150 foot tall mighty Oak tree.
    Enter the tattoo. I’m working on a pant leg, or leg sleeve in tattoo jargon. Whole back pieces are grand, but how about the “miniature”? The “ship in the bottle”? As I let my mind wander over the human body exploring the intricisies of the muscles, bone structure, and flesh, I want to make every inch count.
    Do you like fish and a sea based environment? How about a base of coral and seaweed? Many colors, and thousands of tiny creatures living within. How about a fallen tree with the roots exposed. Within those roots are many living things from small animals, to moss, and lychen. Lychen can be very brightly colored. Try catterpillars, brightly colored, and have several in their different stages culminating with the emergence of an adult butterfly
    I recently found a series of flowers with honey bees and other insects that were beautiful, and only the size of a silver dollar.
    My next session will be at the Derby Ink Invitational in Harrisburg, PA. Planned so far will be lightning bugs (fire flies if you live outside the Northeast US) and other fine details.

    Thanks for making me re evaluate my tattoo future.

    And thank you, you two, for reminding me the joy of planning and focus in picking my tattoos.

    I’ve been to Harrisburg, Sam. Lovely place! When you talk about horticulture it gets me excited about my upcoming lotus and Indian clematis piece.

    Lola, I hear you. There are lots of spots; it’s just a matter of being choosy.


    erm, no. I’m not jealous of obesity.


    I’m thankful for the canvas I have and will use it wisely as I can. The only thing I plan on regretting is not having enough room but never the tatt’s themselves.


    @GrayCatLove 126044 wrote:

    excited about my upcoming lotus and Indian clematis piece.

    That is going to be awsome!


    I’ve got a leather face (texas chainsaw massacre) piece coming up on the 3rd of may.


    I started late, didn’t get my first tattoo until I was into my 40’s, so I don’t expect to run out of run out of room any time soon.

    Although at the rate I’m going this year I better start to pace myself. I don’t know what’s happened but somehow I have been in the chair 3x since last November, another one scheduled in 2 weeks, then another planned for the fall. I was going to fix up my Lily in July, but the new appointment in 2 weeks was kind of a surprise so that may use up the money I had planned to spend fixing it. I may have to delay the reworking of my lily until the cash fairy arrives. (I have a feeling that the ‘reworking’ is going to morph into ‘what can I add to this’).


    @Sam-I-Am 126115 wrote:

    That is going to be awsome!

    It’s planned for the outline on the 4th! I need to get a good before picture of my scar it’s covering.

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