    Sorcha Ni Chonnachtain

    Hey guys, new to this site. Just looking for a bit of info. Got a tattoo on my thigh on Thursday. Was off all weekend so was able to keep it uncovered at home. Started back in work today and don’t know how to cover it properly as I’m issued with trousers so I can’t just wear what I want and I’m afraid they will do something to the tattoo. Any suggestions on what to do. Do I use cling film or wear really thin tights underneath my trousers so it can still breath etc.

    I also do a lot of running and the gym so I’d appreciate any ideas. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚


    1st please post a pic of your new tattoo. You can wash your tattoo thoroughly then wrap it in some Saran wrap. I would lay off of the gym for a couple of days it won’t hurt you missing a little bit but going could mess up your tattoo forever

    Sorcha Ni Chonnachtain

    Thanks for the reply buttwheat. It’s only half done, next session in two weeks so will post picture when it’s fully done ๐Ÿ™‚

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