Introducing Tattoo Artist: Jay Kenny

Recently we interviewed Jo, a vibrant and successful tattoo artist, who does some of the most intricate tattoos we’ve ever seen. From Butterflies to portraits, Jo has done it all. Ex-lawyer Jo has had a massive career change and we think she rocks for going after her goals. Hi Jo, we are so happy to
This week’s featured artists include: -Andrei Oprisan at Urban Style Tattoo Dublin -Jay Denton at Redfox Tattoos -John Grant at Studio 13, Motherwell -Michal Grabowski at INKubatoR Tattoo -Peewee Krueger at Crown Electric Tattoo Co -Tassos Gkikas at Charlie Rose, Bali You can follow their pages here: https://www.facebook.com/urbanstyletattoodublin/ https://www.facebook.com/redfoxtoby https://www.facebook.com/studio13motherwell/ https://www.facebook.com/INKubatoRtattoo/ https://www.facebook.com/CrownElectricTattooCo/ https://www.facebook.com/charlierosetattoobali/
This week’s featured artists include: Jurgis Mikalauskas at Jurgis Mikalauskas Tattoo Jason McCillen at Studio Mayhem Tattoos Dale McGovern at Sorry Mum Studio Marek Jammes Wcislo at Jammes Tattoo Samanta Annie at Tattoo Art Karlsruhe Darren Cooper at Revival Tattoo You can follow their pages here: https://www.facebook.com/JurgisMikalauskasTattoo/ https://www.facebook.com/Studiomayhemtattoo/ https://www.facebook.com/sorrymumstudio/ https://www.facebook.com/jammestattoostudio/ https://www.facebook.com/TattooARTKarlsruhe/ https://www.facebook.com/Revivaltattoostudio/ Music: CRED1X –
This week’s featured artists include: -Flo Lazar at Mohawk Tattoo Studio, -Marius Presura at Redemption Tattoo, Sheffield -Martin Moore at Martin Moore Tattoos -Pawel Sztachelski at Studio 13 -Rafał Ralfy Dąbrowski at Hypnotic-Art Tattoos -Sean Newman at Dark Steel Tattoo Studio, Tamworth -Theresa Gordon-wade at Epona Art & Tattoo You can follow their pages here:
This week’s featured artists include: -Ben Sowerby at Ink Addix Tattoo Studio -Dagmara Kokocińska at DKTattoo -Darren Macer at Earl’s Tattoo Studio -David Pinney at Lucky Penny Tattoo, USA -Jota K Tintanegra at Straight Lines Tattoo -Naomi Lister at Uptown Tattoo Studio Check out / follow their pages: https://www.facebook.com/Inkaddixtattoostudio/ https://www.facebook.com/dkokocinskatattoos/ https://www.facebook.com/earlstattoostudio/ https://www.facebook.com/LuckyPennyTattoos https://www.facebook.com/straightlinestattoo.london.essex/ https://www.facebook.com/UpTownTattooStudioLeicester
This week’s featured artists include: – Aliz Andorka at Inks & Needles Tattoo, London -Darren Bridgewood at Darren Bridgewood Tattoos -Joe Meakin at Studio One Tattoo, Derby -Kim Sammons at Onen Tattoo, Cornwall -Midgard Cadaver at Cadaverous Inc Tattoo -Shaun Von Sleaze at Keep The Faith Social Club You can follow their profiles here: –
You can follow their pages here: -https://www.facebook.com/TripletTattooArtist/ -https://www.facebook.com/dkokocinskatattoos -https://www.facebook.com/Needlecraft-Tattoo-1522043038085142/ -https://www.facebook.com/vividink.suttoncoldfield/ -https://www.facebook.com/CAROUSELTATTOOSTUDIO/ -https://www.facebook.com/studio13motherwell
https://www.thetattooforum.com The Tattoo Forum’s ‘Artists of the week’ – 16.07.2018 This week we featured: – Tobias J Skelton from Redfox Tattoos, Sheffield, UK – Samantha Barker from Chirality Ink, York, UK – Mikey Ellerby from IN2U Tattoo, Stoke-On-Trent, UK – Freya Stealey, an apprentice at Savannah Studios, Bristol, UK – Dan Phillips at Dark Steel
This week’s “artists of the week” features: A fantastic portrait of Billy The Butcher from 2002 drama film ‘Gangs of new York’ by Dagamara Kokcinska at DKTattoo, Coventry, UK Bruno Santos at Dublin Ink, completed our second highlight, an awesome cover job incorporating the original tattoo, a worn away joker, by adding Heath Ledger’s “The