Looks like a great line up for the evergreen invitational…You should check out Zac Colbert from Infamous Ink while your there ButtWheat.
Weird question but What does one wear to a tattoo convention in the middle of winter in the North West? I normally wear shorts and a tank top but that is in the summer.
i was actually thinking the same thing. i looked it up and its going to be like 49 degrees or some crazy shit and i ALWAYS wear shorts and a tank top to conventions. i wonder if they will have the heat up to something respectable.. the one good thing is that its supposed to be sunny while we are there.
@buttwheat 138302 wrote:
Weird question but What does one wear to a tattoo convention in the middle of winter in the North West? I normally wear shorts and a tank top but that is in the summer.
First world problems. LOL.
@yodaddynukka 138305 wrote:
i was actually thinking the same thing. i looked it up and its going to be like 49 degrees or some crazy shit and i ALWAYS wear shorts and a tank top to conventions. i wonder if they will have the heat up to something respectable.. the one good thing is that its supposed to be sunny while we are there.
My summer started at 40 degrees for shorts. With the Northeast weather this year I dropped it to 20 degrees.
@Sam-I-Am 138311 wrote:
My summer started at 40 degrees for shorts. With the Northeast weather this year I dropped it to 20 degrees.
im from california so we really dont have winters.. in fact i wore shorts to go out tonight…
So shorts it is. And maybe my I like pie tee shirt
@yodaddynukka 138313 wrote:
im from california so we really dont have winters.. in fact i wore shorts to go out tonight…
LOL yep ! 70+ this weekend
So this is how day one went…….
Fuck I don’t know because I’m not there yet!!!!!
Congrats yodaddynukka for your 1st and 3rd place you handsome devil
Some Pics
yodaddynukka with some award swag and Yall photoboming
Jeff Gogue checking yodaddy’s armpit
Jeff Gogue worked all day on Jemimah’s back
Yall getting some work from Tim Kern
Yall, Yodaddy, Eric, myself, Jeremiah, and Chris
The highlight of the event Eddie Munster
Harrisburg, PA had a tattoo convention that was fucking lame at best, but there were women there.
I notice, butt, that there are no women in your photos. Were there any at the convention, or did you just not care to look at them.
Also in the background of the fourth photo down there appears to be a guy carrying a penis replica around.
Looks like you guys had a good time. And the talent there, oh my! Our local one is nothing close to that, but we do have ladies (generally in skimpy clothing, haha). Definitely planning to come down for next year! Probably in something skimpy, yet age appropriate. 😉
And CONGRATS to YoDaddyNukka for the trophies and the new armpit!!!
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