
    hey! i need some advice. im 18 years old and already have a tattoo. its three stars on my right foot. ive loved it from the begining. but now im realizing it needs more UMPH!. so i drew up a million ideas and today just found the right one! so PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you think! like it. love it. hate it. wna improve it? just let me kno!

    this is what i have now..

    and this is what i drew up..


    Boring, why not go to a tattoo artist and get them to draw you up something spectacular??


    well im a very picky person. and i did think about that but im still in school and i cant really have anything overly elaborate. i live in a very small town where people already despise me for my past actions and so im waiting for the big one once i graduate.

    anyways im just a very picky person and honestly wld consider myself a perfectionist. and thats why i decided to just do it myself. cause it wld take too damn long to find a perfect one that someone else drew!

    thanks for the honesty tho!



    You want my advice.

    Don’t do it.

    I say this because you have a whirl of things going on and you really need to be able to focus on that and get some balance in your life before you add more ink.

    I say this because you mentioned that you are worried about what others think if you go too elaborate.

    The purpose of tattooing is to find the most expressive and elaborate that you will always look at and go ‘No regrets’.

    Finish up school do your move then sit back and think about the real tattoo that you want.

    Although if you insist on going on with the tattoo I would suggest more curve on the writing, so that it wraps through the stars more.

    Also the dotted pattern runs a risk of becoming a blob in future years if you do them too small so have to maybe go with star dust or really define the pattern so that it matches the stars but does not dwarf them.

    Take Care


    Sorry but im not a fan of your design . why does being in school still make a difference
    once it healed hide it ??
    i think id have another big star added and then a hello kitty dressed as a space man.


    ive already got a tattoo. im not saying its a big deal to these people. but my mother took me to get my first one when i was 17. and i made a promise to her that once i added on to it that it wldnt be huge. and honestly i dont want anything huge. im just looking for something to finalize it. once i start my life in like 2 years, yea theres gna be more. but im not the type of person for skulls, tribal stuff, dragons, or anything bad ass. my personality is brought out in this drawing in my opinion, along with the family members ive showed it too.

    but honestly thank you for ur opinions, its hard to ask people you dont know for there opinion when they dont know what ur like! lol

    oh and are you talking about the decending circles that will become a big blob? i guess im not understanding that? is it because there too small? or close? what? cause thats one of the things i love in there

    thanks tho.



    I was talking about the dots/circles that run through the centre of the tattoo. If you get them too small they will lose shape and spread slightly so if you have them too close together they will form a blob.

    My suggestions are not to put a downer on your ideas – it just seems that you were more concerned with other ppl’s thoughts that surround you about your ink rather than waht ink you want for yourself.

    There is a lot of time ahead of you why not have a sit down and look at the design every day for a few months then decide if you really want it.

    Take Care

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