    Wayne D

    my arms have been skinny all my life, and i want them to be bigger. my biceps, triceps, wrist area, im so skinny. i know girls like buff guys plus i wanna do it for myself. are they dangerous? where can i get them?

    ps – i have perfect health record, never smoked ANYTHING, and everything is top notch, blood pressure, heart, etc.


    hiya i know im a girl but hey its good to have a girls point of view 🙂
    right listen i honestly think that you should NOT take steroids there is 1 main down fall to that and that is it makes mens dicks smaller lol i think that if you want a way to make yourself feel better go to the gym or summin that may build your confidence.
    There is sum1 out there for everyone and i dont believe you should risk your health just because you think it may impress a girl plus wouldnt you rather be bigger else where lol



    Steroids will absolutely kill your liver and must be done in cycles. Any sort of supplement will have some sort of nasty side effect, whether you’re taking testosterone boosters, pro-hormones and steroids. Also if you take any supplement you’ll just be angry all the time and no one would want to hangout with you.

    What I would suggest is changing your diet a little bit and lifting. Eat like a horse if you want to get big, but eat stuff high in protein and eat healthy. You need a correct lifting regiment such as lifting low rep high weight, drinking protein shakes and taking daily vitamins. You need to lift at least 3-4 times a week, don’t lift everyday cause you’ll hurt yourself.

    So lift and eat. If you stick with it I guarantee 100% that you will bulk up in no time without the need for steroids which are expensive and carry a lot of negative side effects (including shrinking of your balls)


    I’d agree with the above. Steroids turned my pal into a complete cock over night. began walking around like a complete tosser and believing he looked good. Believe me people can tell the difference between a worked out body and a steroid fueled water retationed weak body. your liver will suffer, you’ll become spotty and your cock will drop off.
    Eat like a Mo Fo and workout mate, I used to workout religiously, eat stupid diets 12 eggs, 8 chicken breasts, loads of rice about 1-2 kilos of fruit a day, and I’m not that big. Unfortunatley I kept up the diet and stopped working out as much and became a little larger than I’d like to be, but keep it healthy and you can lose it when and if you need to. It’s shitty food that is hard to shift and doesn’t feed the muscles and system properly.
    Good luck!!


    not worth it, just take creatine and protein


    eat lots and do low rep high weight curls to build your arms

    the fact is some people are supposed to be skinny. and for al the skinny blokes in the world there are birds who find that attractive.


    steroids are not a good option…. simple as that

    you go bald, you get heart problems, you grow hair everywhere but on your head, your testicles shrink, and chances of cancer increase + many other problems

    Girl Interrupted

    steroids! u don’t need those (if u are not sick and need those a medicine) i think that it’s just a same that what kinda body u have, most important thing is what kinda pic u have 🙂 So, plz forget the steroids 😉 ok?


    food and the gym, roids wont help at all with out a proper diet and routine. If you eat like you should and hit the gym hard you’ll make allot of progress, especially if its new to you. No magic pills, food is the most anabolic substance you can put in your body…not worth the risks, used improperly you can do allot of damage, not to mention that they are illegal and getting caught with them is no small deal anymore….


    Hello all, here was different tattoos. Quality is not good, but there are different ideas.

    American Infidel

    @LadyJade..x 25289 wrote:

    hiya i know im a girl but hey its good to have a girls point of view 🙂
    right listen i honestly think that you should NOT take steroids there is 1 main down fall to that and that is it makes mens dicks smaller lol i think that if you want a way to make yourself feel better go to the gym or summin that may build your confidence.
    There is sum1 out there for everyone and i dont believe you should risk your health just because you think it may impress a girl plus wouldnt you rather be bigger else where lol


    I agree along with everyone here. While she may be admireing your HUGE FAKE MUSCLES she will also be frowning on the size of your millimeter peter. If you wanna get get big you need to hit the gym. Dont try to go half ass and cheat your way to them.


    Re: Steriods. I have taken steroids since my teens, as a neccesity for my health, and strongly agree with everyone here thast you must NOT take steriods for vanities sake! My precribed type were called Prednisone and while in my early 30s I ended up with cataracts in both eyes! side effect of taking for prolonged periods. Today i have to have regular check up and bone density scan, thin bones especially spinal. Take the advice to NOT take steriods unless absolutely neccesary and that they are prescribed by a phisician. Hope this helps you to NOT take them. Jimmy V


    Don’t take steroids. You’ll get roid rage. No, but seriously, there are several risk factors. It doesn’t matter what shape you are in psychically. They can cause certain types of cancer. Sleeping problems. Jaundice. And super aids. Well maybe not super aids….


    nah steroids are sound fella go for it .. i took them and well i was just fine . well i say that part from i started growning tits haha … but hey whatever you fancy lol


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