Visst faen kan man prata svenska!
Jeg er norsk, så jeg prater fint svensk ^^ Suger i å skrive det, men jeg forstår det uten noen problemer :p
(Right. I’m norwegian – speak sweedish just fine. Not too good at writing it, but I understand it without any problems.)
Oh, and I can make myself understood in norwegian, sweedish, danish, german, english, french and italian.. I understand some icelandic and finish too, but not much 😛 Can’t write in german, french or italian though. Some italian.
Jeg er norsk, så jeg prater fint svensk ^^ Suger i å skrive det, men jeg forstår det uten noen problemer :p
(Right. I’m norwegian – speak sweedish just fine. Not too good at writing it, but I understand it without any problems.)
Oh, and I can make myself understood in norwegian, sweedish, danish, german, english, french and italian.. I understand some icelandic and finish too, but not much 😛 Can’t write in german, french or italian though. Some italian.
I’m a bit jealous, I’d love to learn to speak another language 🙂
I’ve learned most of it through travelling :p Been to Italy four times, so I’ve picked up a lot 🙂 Been to all the countries I can understand the languages of, pick up a lot when you talk to locals all day 🙂 Learning by shopping! 😛
and well… Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are pretty similar, so we understand eachother pretty well. At least, norwegians understand everybode else 😛 and we have english for 12 years in school, and you can have french or german in pretty much every single school in Norway for six years.
German has a lot of words that resemble, and reading german is pretty simple. French and italian are a bit tougher, that’s just through traveling. The eastern-europian languages though… Hell. I’ve been to hungary and chezk, don’t understand a fucking word there!! 😛
But you know, it’s way easier to travel to different countries in Europe than in the states. The cost of a plane ticket to London is less than what my shoes cost, so it’s really no problem to travel a bit 🙂
Icelandic is quite similar to Norwegian. Icelandic has some words in common with all of the Scandinavian languages, as they all are based on old norse and well, they’re all north germanic languages.
and of all northern languages Icelandic is the most awesome and closest to what the Vikings spoke 😛
For the price of a return ticket to England and back, I could probably get two full sleeves and a backpiece done!
Auch 😛 That is quite a bit!!!
For me to go to the states and back wouldn’t cost nearly that much even 😛 Not even as much as one full sleeve…
It’s about 5000nok to go to the states and back, which would be a bit less than 1000$. And the piece on my arm would’ve cost about that much, if I’d paid full price for it :p
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