it seems to be a mixture of Japanese and Chinese Kanji, the top one is deffo Jap Kanji for love(all be it a bad effort at it)
and the bottom one is chinese Kanji for courage(again a bad effort)
the rest i dont know about.
its a bit hard to read but I think it has some bits of what your friend wanted.
From what I can see it reads.
“If I had the courage to do some research I would have realised that this tattoo was a bad idea that isnt going to get any better. Next time I try and look cool I will do it in a language I can read.”
I may as always be completely wrong of course.
Probably without a shitload of flash are you gonna find out what that means, lol. But on the brightside, I have heard that different providences in China write and speak differently, as well men and women having different writing. So it may say all that in one part of China, and mean absoloutly dog squat in another, lol. In the long run you can just hope for the best, and that the shop was a reputable design. I know we cross referenced our Kanji before we put it in the books, to make sure we were correct. We have about twenty sheets by different companies and artists, and the only thing that differs is writing style.
From what I can see it reads.
“If I had the courage to do some research I would have realised that this tattoo was a bad idea that isnt going to get any better. Next time I try and look cool I will do it in a language I can read.”
I may as always be completely wrong of course.
You’re definitely not right… but you sure aren’t wrong. :D:D
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