American Idol

That is unless the user and the webmaster pay the Internet service provider an annual/every 6-month service charge. The fee will be optional but the webmaster must pay it if they want to, hopefully, reach everyone and the user must pay it if they want, hopefully, unlimited access to all web sites. If the user and the web master don’t pay the extra fee they won’t be able to access hundreds, thousands, millions of other web sites/users. We’re talkin’ about a virtual filter on the Internet kinda sorta like China has in place. We’re talkin’ about a virtual denial of service. That’s the message that will be staring many people in the face when they try to go to their favorite web site: DENIAL OF SERVICE. (And there are many more negative ramifications.) I’m talkin’ about the critical issue of Net Neutrality.

We’ll know if the FCC decides to filter the Internet on 12.21.2010.

That’s the day of reckonin’, at 10:30 AM EST.

It is on that day that the Federal Communications Commission will vote on rules that could stop companies like Time Warner, Comcast, Cox Cable, Verizon and AT&T from blocking where you go on the Internet. Or the FCC might vote to destroy Net Neutrality which would give partial control of the Internet to each and every the ISP company.

The vote is a test for President Obama and Chairman Julius Genachowski. Will they deliver on earlier promises and pass strong Net Neutrality rules, or will they cave to the phone and cable lobby and give us a fake version? Interested in watching them vote on this? Good. Cause we need your support. If you’re in the neighborhood go to 445 12th Street, Washington, D.C., Room TW-C305. They’ll start voting on it on or around 10:30 AM EST. If you’re not in Washington, D.C. you can help the cause by going to SaveTheInternet dot com. And please be sure to a) sign the petition and b) get on their mailing list because if we can defeat the monopolies the monopolies will be back again. That’s because they have a strong lobby and lots and lots of cash. They have no quit in them. So you can bet that they’ll vote on this again in 365 days.

Petition to send to President Obama:

Short crash course on net neutrality:

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