
california is the best weather, 80 and sunny, no rain, no snow unless you drive to mountains to visit some,

but get your job lined up first, economy is really tough, california living expenses are very high, home prices especially, so much competition for jobs

hope you can make it over


If you like it hot Arizona is the place to go. Housing is very cheap there right now they have been hit hard by the resection. If cost of living doesn’t maker it doesn’t get much better then the California coast.

JENerationX;98983 wrote:
Cross the North East off your list then LOL. I’d actually like to move back down to Virginia or North Carolina. Beautiful weather most of the year, I saw snow flurries once in 5 years and had to laugh when the entire state freaked out about it.

Hey, before you leave Sydney, please stop in and say hi to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, for me. 😀

heh I had to google that phrase, made me lol.

D3FiANC3;98989 wrote:
My inlaws live in the lowlands of South Carolina. Very hot, though I’m not not sure how often it rains. It snowed once since they lived there I think and it was about an inch. They shut down the schools and everything. lol

I’m looking to move out of PA in the not-too-distant future and Virginia is on my short list of places to live. Every time I go camping there I don’t want to leave. I was just there a couple weeks ago actually.


Nice man, will put that on the “places to visit” list.

msmercury;98993 wrote:
Well, I would say, stay away from Maryland. They are in love with taxes here, so they find new ways to steal our money away everyday. They also love to make laws to oppress and further erode freedom whenever they can. Politically it sucks. The economy and jobs outlook here is not so great right now either. We have four seasons here, so you would not have pleasant stable weather year round. A plus for Maryland is you have ocean and mountains nearby and it is a small state, so you can get to the beach or the ocean fairly easily. It is pretty much like anywhere else, there is good and bad in everything. Best of luck to you if you move!! 🙂

Thank you 🙂

bluey;98994 wrote:
We want somewhere with good weather,
good place to raise a family
availability of healthy living as we don’t eat overly processed food.
I’m a fitness nut so there has to be good gyms available and lots of outdoor activities.

Hmmm the US is a great place, however wrong choice if you don’t want overly processed foods – ask for a white coffee – it aint milk! They say cream, but it doesn’t come from a cow, or any other animal for that matter.

By your description above I think you have described a place about 800Km South!

That sounds awful, I love fresh food! I won’t even buy frozen stuff unless its all natural like yoghurt.

mrchen;98997 wrote:
california is the best weather, 80 and sunny, no rain, no snow unless you drive to mountains to visit some,

but get your job lined up first, economy is really tough, california living expenses are very high, home prices especially, so much competition for jobs

hope you can make it over

Yeah things have gotta pick up soon, we won’t make the move unless we both have secure work lined up.

buttwheat;99002 wrote:
If you like it hot Arizona is the place to go. Housing is very cheap there right now they have been hit hard by the resection. If cost of living doesn’t maker it doesn’t get much better then the California coast.

My cousin lives in Arizona, I’ll have a chat to her about it, thanks.

Amok;99085 wrote:
Nice man, will put that on the “places to visit” list.

That’s Grayson Highlands State Park btw. Wild ponies, free range steer, great views … I actually have a tattoo planned based on Grayson – love it there.

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