For the past few nights I have woken up randomly and started talking to what I thought was my girlfriend, and then shortly after I’ll snap out of it and realize that I’m hugging my blankets..
No, I’ve never woke up thought I was hugging your girlfriend. :p
My dad’s been in the hospital and I’ve been dogsitting his 180 lb. Great Dane, and she LOVES to snuggle in bed and refuses to sleep alone. It’s been really weird waking up every morning with this giant body in my arms, thinking,”Oh my God, who did I bring home?”
my wife and son both talk in their sleep, my son will sit up and talk away, when we were first married I had crashed on the couch after a long day, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my wife talking and walking out the front door………………me i sleep like the dead and love it
I bet it scared the shit out of you at first seeing your wife walk out the door talking though.
Haha fair point!!
That’s wild, have you ever woken them up while their sleep walking?
If I ever wake up calling my girlfriend’s name, my wife is going to be really,really pissed.
I was told I talk in my sleep
Since ive lost both parents and lots of family drama if I dream at all they are always bad crazy dreams. I dont sleep much
Sounds like you’re waking up in the later stages of sleep. Stuck between conscious and unconscious. The funny thing about dreams is that the brain can’t tell the difference between reality and dream (thus why your body is paralyzed during the REM stage of sleep). There’s what psychologists call night terrors, and it’s where you wake up in the middle of REM, while your body is still paralyzed, and you are still dreaming while awake. Sounds like a version of this, but less severe.
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