@peterpoose 135005 wrote:
Do you own a rusty pick up truck, a chainsaw, chew tobacco and have a wife that’s pregnant and also chews tobacco but stronger than you? 🙂
I’m not sure I understand I do live in the city
The view from a roof I was working on 48 floors up
@buttwheat 135027 wrote:
The view from a roof I was working on 48 floors up.
I used to work on slate roofs, and copper gutters. I worked on churches and other historic buildings. What a fucking rush!
Awesome picture butt!
@buttwheat 135025 wrote:
I’m not sure I understand I do live in the city
Lol never mind then, was juat joking as it looked beautiful a bit like hill billy county:)
Saw this Luna Moth on a bike trip this summer. My wife usually orders these as a chrysalis for her classroom to let her students watch them hatch and then releases them. This is first one I had seen in the wild.
@buttwheat 135027 wrote:
The view from a roof I was working on 48 floors up
That’s an interesting (albeit dark) building over there on the right. Where is that?
@ArniVidar 135064 wrote:
That’s an interesting (albeit dark) building over there on the right. Where is that?
Bellevue Washington a suburb of Seattle
@buttwheat 135083 wrote:
Bellevue Washington a suburb of Seattle
Cool. I’m “walking” around Bellevue streets now. Interesting architecture there, especially that City Center building.
@ArniVidar 135116 wrote:
Cool. I’m “walking” around Bellevue streets now. Interesting architecture there, especially that City Center building.
They are building a new building about a block to the south that looks straight out of the Jetsons
I was invited to a party tonight, with a motivational comment; “We have tons of tequila!!”
I declined. So badly. I got sick just off the idea.
So I sent them this picture. Which shows what happens last time I had tequila, two months ago.
yeah. Not repeating that. I’m surprised if I live to see 30. This picture doesn’t even show the worst of it…
(and I figured all you assholes might enjoy seeing the pain! ;D )
Take care pox. My thoughts are with you.
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