    big g

    has anyone seen the trailer for titanic 2 what a load of s***t is there any good films on the pipeline like the new transformers or harry potter its about time film makers actualy thought things through properly whats next! CAST AWAY 2 staring tom hanks as mr unlucky! i think i would rather watch star wars 7 the early years!


    Rarely go to the the movies these days as most of whats on offer is a load of rubbish. Titanic was the most overrated, overblown piece of crap i can remember paying good money to see. Watch the film A Night to Remember” its probably on dvd, the true story of the sinking of the Titanic, you will then see why i state the above.


    The Titanic 2 is a fan made trailer it’s fake!!! there are clips from The Basketball Diaries in it.

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