And Lashley the new Brock Lesner? Rock and brock both were in a mtach just like Cena and Bobby
hey Cena “KYR” Colour has nothing to do with it
Cena can never be in the same league as the Rock and just because Lashley has the same built and strength as Brock doesn’t mean that they are similar in fighting style.. Lashley is more like a cross between Goldberg and Lesnar.
Cena will never be as successful and widely known as the Rock.
Just because WWE try to make Lashley look and act like Lesnar in every way possible doesn’t mean he gets the title of New Lesnar. He;s doing a terrible job of it.
No Cena is more like the new Hulk Hogan. The gimmick with him beating everybody, getting beat up for most of the match, and then at the end overcoming the odds and winning again.
Lashley basically is just like Brock. Except Brock had a manager and came in as a heel instead. Since Brock had a manager he didn’t have to do any talking because his manager did it all for him.
no not really cena and the rock are kinda the same. but the rock found a way not to make it annoying
i gusse cena could be the new Rock cause he has great mic skills is funny and can fight well. but bobby he is black not white like Brock and brock was way bigger and stronger
i know color has nothing to do with it i was just saying they should have someone that kinda looks like him be the new him
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