
    Things like this jus get on my nerves, tell me why da hell do peoiple ask the same question about rap music or hip hop, evrybody who doesnt like it always say why is it still here or people make the statment that its stupid it sucks its this its that, an the music bascially say the same thing, them rappers dont give a F if yal dont like it they still making they money, jus to let yal dumba** people know its not going no where, if you dont like it then FU, i aint no rapper or nothin im jus one of the many people who like the music an im tired of people lookin at it as its bad or something, if you dont like the lyrics then who cares cover yo damn ears an dont listen to it.
    and if your going to answer the question be real about the topic, jus answer the question, an if your one of the people that dont like it then please dont answer the question, because i could care less what you think. If your going to look down on the music that speak about it okay, i need some real people to answer i reccommend the people who have an interst in the music


    TY!!!!!!!! I don’t like the popular rap, but that’s just because I don’t like it, I don’t have anything against the artists or the genre. It’s music. And music is awesome. And all forms of it should be loved and respected. Including rap/hiphop.


    Couldn’t Have said More Than HNIC Said About It

    If All You Know About Hip Hop Is From What You Hear On The Radio And On TV Then Don’t Criticize it Stop Criticizing Something You Don’t Know Nothing About I’m Just Gonna Leave It At That Even Though There’s Allot more i can say


    HA…Those words should be put in holy scripts.
    Really, there’s no logical reason to explain why people do it. They’re just stupid. I guess they think, it’s the internet so it’s not that big of a deal…and they’re right. I tend to ignore it to an extent and I suggest you and every other hip-hop fan do the same (easier said than done, I know). I just laugh at them and at the irony, because they’re no better than the ignorance they’re complaining about.
    If they don’t like hip-hop, it’s their loss…


    I agree with you dude (or chick), not everyone has to like the same kinda music, i mean shit, everyones got they own oppinion abt what they like and dislike. I Like rap & Hip-hop but shit, i dont go around askin “do you like rap or hip-hop?”, i’ve always liked that kinda music. But shit, it gets on my nerves too when ppl ask that kinda stupid shit.

    crystal g

    i know.
    i’d say that if you don’t like it then why are you in the hip-hop part.
    also don’t lisen to it.
    also i’d say that the music that they love is stupid see who they like that.
    i hate those people
    sorry to my friends but i do


    You’re starting to get on my nerves…


    Because they are uneducated pr!cks.

    I think we should all go over and spam the rock forum about how much rock sucks.

    I have copied my answer and paste from now on whenever someone asks those questions

    “You are clearly uneducated. Listen to some rap music that hasn’t been produced in the last two or three years.

    Try some WC, dr. dre, N.W.A…stuff like that.”


    i was just about to post a question regarding this same topic, and i couldnt agree with you more….people come in this section BITCHIN non-stop, all rap says this, all rap says that, STFU…stop basing your so called knowledge on what you see on tv everyday or what you hear on the radio…if you dont like it dont listen to it.

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