
    I want to write heavy metal. I love metal.
    Okay, perhaps I didn’t make it clear. I want to WRITE heavy metal music. Assuming I can play the guitar, how does one go about starting composing heavy metal?
    Bliss: Why’d you give thumbs down to all the other answers?! That’s not what the thumbs up/down system is for!


    Did you watch the movie, “School of Rock” with Jack Black?

    Remember when he was grilling the classroom of kids about what grievances they had, and he was trying to make them angry and agitated.

    Then, after getting each of one of them to vent, he said, “are you all pissed off now? Now you’re ready to write a rock song”.

    Great line I thought.


    if your playing in E just use alot power chords and barre chords if your playing in D learn to play to alot of soundgarden and that will teach you how to play in D well. If your going for a bit of death metal by a death metal distotion pedal and tune it to C and play to alot of sytsem of a down or even Korn if you like. Also to help you with solos by a lead guitar progression book they don’t cost much. And yer keep practising if you want to learn quick practise more hours of the day lead guitarist such as Tom Morrello from Rage against the machine used to play 8 hours per day so if your determined you’ll get good at it. But also remember to practise to songs you like as well you gotta have fun.


    by banging your head against a brick wall for inspiration

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