…fresh water melts into the sea i was watching a program of national geographic about this. eventually it would throw us back to the ice age and most would die due to being able to grow food. they said that one reason for the world warming up is because of the currects in our ocean and something called the ocean conveyor belt, this moves warm warter to the poles and cold to the equator so it can be warmed up again. this is slowing down so it stays warmer for longer. this will melt the glaciers and dump loads of fresh water into the ocean, because the fresh water is less dence than salt water the fresh cold water will not sink and go to be warmed up thus slowing the conveyor belt.
if we were to put rock salt from mines in the ocean where fresh water melts into the sea. would this change the fresh water to salt water and maintain the conveyor belt? maybe these mines are from where salt water dried up and deposited the salt just like ash from a volcano.
any thoughts to my theory would be appreciated.