I am extremely interested in starting a career in the film (or television) industry. I would like to become something along the lines of a producer or director but have no idea where to start.
Im 17 and have recently been thinking about what im going to do with my life and the film industry really appeals to me. I watch lots of “feel good” films and TV shows such as Forest Gump, Friends, and The O.C.
Now many of you may cringe because of the shows i have just listed but i feel very passionately about productions with good values and morals, and feel that they influence society in a positive way, which is why i would like to be instrumental in making them.
I have no real experience in this industry, but i know the very basics of how it works (e.g. the role of the producers, directors etc). I also have qualifications in Business Studies and ICT if those are of any help.
If anyone with knowledge of the industry could give me any advice it would be much appreciate. Thanks, Josh.
You could try http://www.thestage.co.uk
They have lots of tips and advice and have a message board where you can ask questions and things.
Good luck!
Check out your local community or state college and ask about media-related degrees and courses. Getting yourself a degree in business communications is a great start, because you can use that to get your foot in the door of a lot of the major studios, who also offer college internship programs. Also: find out where your local cable access channel is. Sign up with them, take classes and start doing volunteer work on crews there. As a producer and/or director, you will need to be familiar with all aspects of production, and nothing teaches you better than hands-on experience. And READ. Read everything you can get your hands on – one of the great books about filmmaking is REBEL WITHOUT A CREW by Robert Rodriguez.
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