Hi everyone,
I am new to tattoos (and this forum). I am thinking about getting my first (and probably only) tattoo – I have an idea for one, but it is only an rough idea and I don’t know how it would actually look. I’m looking for some help with determining if this idea will translate well to a tattoo and possibly with designing it.
The idea for the tattoo is a supernova on my back/shoulder blade. Long story short, I am an astronomy nerd and a supernova is very meaningful to me (supernovas are the result of heavier elements fusing in a star as it explodes, and are largely responsible for the creation of elements that form other objects in the universe, like planets and our bodies). It’s supposed to be symbolic of the fact that we all come from elements made in stars (primarily from supernova explosions) – our “oneness” with the universe, if you will (cheesy I know).
I am not even close to an artist, so I am not good at actually designing what it would look like. My rough idea though is that I would like it to be a pretty realistic/dramatic image of one (possibly color, or possibly black and white…not sure) – and maybe somehow make it fade or “feed into” my back in some way (to represent the idea that the matter in my body came from supernovas). I’m not necessarily committed to any of these more specific ideas however, I may be open to more abstract or non-realistic images – I’d have to see it. I’m not sure how a supernova would look in general, however – it’s pretty much just a big explosion, so I’m not sure how that would translate to a tattoo.
Here are links to a few pictures I found that may help with some ideas:
https://astrobites.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/article06_image01.jpg (artist’s depiction a real supernova)
http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n0206/07babypix/sn1987.jpg (actual image of the supernova above)
http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/kepler-snburp-point1second-nograph-1280×720-shorter-10lossy.gif (animation – just kind of looks like generic explosion)
Any feedback is appreciated!
Cool idea. Your carefully tattoo artist should be able to design,draw and apply your tattoo it is their job? If a tattooer says bring me a drawing of what you want you have picked the wrong tattooer.
We can help you find the right tattooist, Where do you live?
True. I never got a tattoo before, so I have no idea of where to go or how to prepare. I live in Philly (currently Manayunk area, but I’m also in northeast philly a lot – although anywhere around philly is close enough).
It is ok not to know how to do this you have taken the right step by coming here. Most of the time we get the “here is my first tattoo how do I fix it” post.
For Philly I don’t know anyone that this would be their style but here are some great tattooist in Philly just go to their shops and talk to them they can point you in the right direction. Paul Acker Paul Acker – The Séance Tattoo Parlor. Myke Chambers Traditional Tattoo Artist Myke Chambers.
Please come back and let me know how it goes
Great, thanks for the tip!
I’m not sure how to find someone whose style this would be, mostly because I don’t know what style I want it. The way I described it, it sounds like it would be a super realistic astronomy type style, but it depends. If it’s made to be realistic, it think it should have color, but I kind of lean towards staying black in white. I’m thinking maybe sticking with black and white, but leaving it open to add color later if I decide to. I’m just not sure how it would look in black and white – it might be more suited if it was more of an abstract symbolic type image (if you have any idea what I mean). I think it might work better for fading into my back though. I sort of would like to see this concept in a few different styles (that’s partially why I posted here for help).
Right now I’m thinking something somewhat similar to this, but more realistic:
Or maybe a combination between that and the animation I posted above (the last link), just before it explodes when you can see those explosive firy streams bulging out. Those little streams could be the parts that extend out and fade into my back.
@IAmJack’sUsername 147489 wrote:
I kind of lean towards staying black in white. I’m thinking maybe sticking with black and white, but leaving it open to add color later if I decide to. I’m just not sure how it would look in black and white –
Black and grey will not look good at all IMO.
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