
    I’m new here and i was hopping I’ll be able to find some help here.
    I want to have a Maori tattoo but it is extremely hard to find a Maori tattoo artist. I need it to be a Maori artist cause i want my tattoo to have a meaning and not just pretty symbols. and cause i want to make sure i wont insult any Maoris by wearing the tattoo.
    The only site i could find is this one but they haven’t replied to my E-mails. This is exactly what I’m looking for.


    I hope someone here can help me out.


    Giluts, what part of the world are you in?


    I’m from Israel but i’m looking for someone like the website i published. I need a Maori designer.


    if you want a really awesome maori tattoo then i would suggest you go to http://www.eurotattoo.co.nz. This is moniques euro tattoo’s and they are an absolutely amazing studio. Im sure she can design some for you to look at. You can also just google maroi designs but you have to be careful you dont use any that other people have as maori tattoo’s are generally chosen by people with some kind of Maori heritage and they all have meaning to certain tribes/families and its not culterally sensitive to use someone elses family designs.

    Hope this helps


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