
hi all im new to this website, i got a tattoo about two years ago on my forearm of which ill post a pic however, I have always had the intention to develop the tattoo into a sleeve and considering im not completely happy with a few of the lines on the tattoo im wanting to incorperate the new sleeve design in with my existing tattoo allowing it to cover up the “naughty” lines.. 🙂
i know im asking a lot and i am new to this so i dont know if im asking the impossible 🙁 but any help and advice would be appreciated and any designs will be welcomed obv i am willing to pay for a design im happy with (if thats how it works) and i am looking for a tattooist to carry out the tattoo if you could recommend anyone.

here is my tattoo when it was done, im pretty happy with the lettering its the swirls around that im not happy with.
Now the hard part, im wanting a detailed design however im not sure what i want in it, the writing is in latin and it means “i will either find a way or make one” its taken from the old war hero hannibal, i believe it was when he was told by his generals that it is impossible to cross the alps with elephants
At the time i got the tattoo i was going through a rough patch in my life and couldnt see the “top” of the mountain i was preparing to climb so found it fitting.
As this has a link to elephants i would like to have the odd elepahnt thrown in there and possibly some detail to a mountain side, plus also as the elepehant is my partners favourite animal so i can also gain brownie points with her without actually making the fatal error of getting her name tattooed on me. :p

thanbk you so much for taking the time to read this and i hope to be speaking with you soon. many thanks in advance

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