I’ve got this idea I’ve been playing around with for a while, but I can’t seem to get it quite right. If anyone is down to make a sketch of the following it would be really helpful!
Here’s the idea:
The three names Clotho Lachesis and Atropos one on top of the other, in a column. I want it to be nice curly, elaborate script, but not so much that no one knows what it says. Plus I want the lettering to look as though its being written with thread or string, so that all the names are connected in some way. Then on the left side there should be a spindle or distaff that the thread it coming from; on the right side the thread will be cut by a pair of ornate scissors.
Feel free to take artistic license with this one, I am open to anyone who gives this a shot. I’d like it to go on my back between my shoulder blade, so it should be no bigger than 5x7ish.
Thanks a lot!
Why wouldn’t you ask a tattoo ARTIST to draw up your idea and then tattoo you?
You’re going to have to go bigger than 5×7 dude. All that crammed into such a small area is going to be illegible and look like a blurry mess in a year. And I think the stitching look unless done perfect is going to look like a plain dotted line. It’s a cool idea, but I think you have to be open to a larger piece.
You know, there are artists on this forum, so maybe that’s why. Plus, I don’t want to have an artist draw it up and I hate it, it would be a waste of my time; further, what if i don’t want that artist to be the one to actually tattoo me? I don’t want to have to pay for their work. I want a few different interpretations of my idea.
And DavidJednat, thanks for the input! I don’t want to have to go too much bigger since I want to do a full back piece later in life… but I guess I can be open to different sizes!
And DavidJednat, thanks for the input! I don’t want to have to go too much bigger since I want to do a full back piece later in life… but I guess I can be open to different sizes!
But why would you want a different artist to tattoo you that came up with the design?
Pick a good artist, who has script in their portfolio that you like, and ask them. You’ll have to pay, but they have to make a living! that deposit you pay usually comes off the tattooing fee anyway so you won’t have to pay extra as such.
Pick a good artist, who has script in their portfolio that you like, and ask them. You’ll have to pay, but they have to make a living! that deposit you pay usually comes off the tattooing fee anyway so you won’t have to pay extra as such.
Exactly. And if you’re not totally satisfied with the initial artist sketch then work with them. It should be a collaborative process between client and artist. As long as you’re not being overbearing and dictating, the artist will work with you and will make tweaks in the original design to suit your needs. That being said, you also need to trust the artist to add their own artistic creativity assuming you’ve done your research and found a good artist who can do clean script.
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