
    Hey all!
    So I’m getting a tattoo covered up tomorrow morning and I need ideas simply because I do not know sort of what I’m supposed to be looking for in regards to things that can adequately cover up my tat. Here’s a pic of what I’m working with:

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    I’ve had this appointment for about 3 months now and just haven’t had the time to really research in depth, so I figured I’d crowd source from people who know tattoos better than I.

    Any suggestions on what I can cover this up with?

    I contacted my tattoo artist about possibly covering it with some form of a Darth Vader helmet. I’m also thinking of an ouroboros-inifinity symbol that would extend up my arm. Thoughts?

    I’ll take any suggestion really. Be it some general image/symbol to some specific pop cultural item that you may enjoy. Chances are I may share similar interests.

    Bottom line, I just want good art on my wrist and would love to have a bunch of ideas ready for tomorrow. And I come here simply because I have no clue what would actually cover this up well.

    Thank you all so much in advance. Looking forward to hearing your beautiful ideas.

    Any further questions, let me know! ๐Ÿ™‚


    You’ve booked for a tattoo to be covered without thinking what your going to cover it with first? That’s a bit stupid don’t you think? you will probably ask us in 6months time what to cover the coverup with. Cancel the appointment and wait for a later date! it’s not our body it’s yours you need to come up with your own idea’s so give it some real thought and when you are 100% on what you want to get it covered up with go to a good tattoo artist (somebody who has done some decent coverups before) and talk to him about your idea.


    @Wardy 124975 wrote:

    You’ve booked for a tattoo to be covered without thinking what your going to cover it with first? That’s a bit stupid don’t you think? you will probably ask us in 6months time what to cover the coverup with. Cancel the appointment and wait for a later date! it’s not our body it’s yours you need to come up with your own idea’s so give it some real thought and when you are 100% on what you want to get it covered up with go to a good tattoo artist (somebody who has done some decent coverups before) and talk to him about your idea.

    I don’t think it’s fair to say I have not at all thought about what I’m covering it with. I have thought about it, but my problem is, I don’t know what is adequate to cover this with. I understand the nature of my current tattoo is pretty dark and may be difficult to cover. I approached my artist with an initial idea that did not involve covering it up, but I’ve only, in the past few weeks considered covering it up completely.

    I plan to move forward with my initial idea, but I wanted to hear ideas of what kinds of things, specifically, I should be looking for in a design to cover up something like this. I’m not an artist, nor am I a tattoo artist, so I really have no guide here. I’ll walk in tomorrow to consult with my artist and if we cannot settle on something I am satisfied with, I obviously won’t get tattooed. But what I’m looking for are ideas for things that can adequately conceal this design.

    Thank you for your response anyway.


    Welcome to the forum.

    Talk to you artist. Tell him you now want it covered up. If he’s good, he”ll have a solution.


    @Sam-I-Am 124979 wrote:

    Welcome to the forum.

    Talk to you artist. Tell him you now want it covered up. If he’s good, he”ll have a solution.

    Yes, I plan to tomorrow. I emailed him prior to this asking him about the ideas I had and asking for further ideas. He said he’d work on it, but I think I’ll have to, indeed, go in tomorrow. Either way, I’m not getting tattooed if I’m not satisfied with an idea.
    Just wish I had more ideas on what I want, but I have no compass as I do not really know what can be done with what I have currently.

    Thanks for your response Sam-I-Am


    get a big ole black penis tattoo that should cover that.


    @buttwheat 124986 wrote:

    get a big ole black penis tattoo that should cover that.

    I’m not THAT into dick actually. But I suppose you’re right. ๐Ÿ™‚


    A big black eightball?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I hope that your artist is REALLY good at coverups because that is a lot of black in an area with not a lot of room to work with.

    It’s a bit late now, but did you consider lightening it up with a little laser action? It sure would have opened up your options.

    Good luck tomorrow.


    @Call_me_Lola 124993 wrote:

    A big black eightball?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I hope that your artist is REALLY good at coverups because that is a lot of black in an area with not a lot of room to work with.

    It’s a bit late now, but did you consider lightening it up with a little laser action? It sure would have opened up your options.

    Good luck tomorrow.

    That’s an interesting idea. I’ll talk to my artist tomorrow and figure out my options. How much does laser removal cost, approximately?

    Thanks so much for your response.


    I’ve never looked into laser, so I can’t give you any idea of price. But in my opinion if it means that you end up with a better result and a tattoo that you love, instead of just getting just something that works to cover the old one, then it is worth every penny. The end result should be something that you love and love to show off, not something that is just “good enough”. Your artist will probably be able to give you an idea of prices in your area.

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