Hello forum,
In advanced I’d like to apologize if I double post or incorrect links or anything like that happens because I’m posting this from my phone, as well as this being my first post in the forum and new here.
Anyway my 2nd tattoo I got I got with the intention (extremely poorly planned out might I add) of getting it as the start of my half sleeve or full sleeve in the future. You know, start it now add later.
I’m in no rush for it since it’s only been a year since I got it and I’m not the most creative person in the world. So from time to time I’d glance at my inner forearm and think “hmm… what can I add to this..”.
When I got it, (again poorly planned) I had no theme, no huge meaning behind it, etc. I dont regret it just wish I could figure something out to add.
I’ll try to upload a picture of it but if I can’t right now I’ll add that in later. It’s a female with angel wings and devil horns by the artist David bollt (I’m sure you can just Google it, she’s the one standing next to a door it’s like maybe the 3rd image if you Google “David bollt angel).
I’m very open to any suggestions, I thought about a good and evil theme, a balance theme seeing as how she’s both and Angel and devil in one and of course the immediate idea that came to mind is a religious type of theme. The only thing with that is I’m not very religious and wouldn’t want anything that can clearly be seen as religious be tatted on me (even tho people will assume and interpret it anyway they please)
Quick details before I post this then try to upload a picture of my arm (gonna post this first then try to add it so I don’t lose all of this typing)
-David bollt female with wings and devil horns
-On my inner left forearm
-prefer it to be a none religious focused piece but If the idea works with me that be fine
-idk it goes into a full sleeve I know on my left shoulder the 2 ideas I have for that specific area would either be an Eye or and owl just as the top of the sleeve or even another piece all together.
-the tattoo isn’t in color, at the time of getting it I seen many different ways of the ideas I’d wanted color in it and none looked as good in my opinion.
-any color in the ideas would be okay, I did want color in a sleeve instead of huge black and white piece.
Thanks for anyone who can help and if any artist would be able to help or even work with me would be greatly appreciated. I talked with my artist but seeing as how it wasn’t his original work he couldn’t really think of much that could go with it. Considering the style David bollt used. But I wouldn’t mind having a sleeve just covered in random in the moment tattoos (trying to avoid that cause from what I’ve seen of people who get those types of over time sleeves, it’s a real hit or miss situation where it’s either amazing or its a cluster f*ck and doesn’t look as good, but then again everyone’s entitled to there opinion).
Devil Angel – David Bollt
This is the angel I got later tonight I will upload a picture of my arm with the tattoo on it
And here’s the link to my arm
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