Hi all, I am new to the forum and am aiming to become a tattoo artist. Money does not permit this at the moment so I’m portfolio building currently to prepare for an appreticeship. I wanna improve my freehand stuff like blowing up by hand from a smaller image and changing it any things like that.
Anyway, my current learning task I’ve set myself is lettering. I want to learn the basics of some nice script. As much as I don’t wish to be a cliche and refer to it, the kind of cursive they use at Miami ink. I’m basically after a lettering map or font map that can help with this. I don’t wanna spend loads of money on books and stuff at present because I’m feeling I can gain more from people with experience. I also don’t wanna be in a situation where I’m relying on computer fonts.
Anyway if anyone can help with that I would be greatful, just a-z in nice curvey script, how to join it up etc. The basics kinda thing. Here’s an example of the kind of font I mean…
anyway thats just a random image from google but you get the idea.
Thanks in advance! 🙂