
    Soooo.. I got my first tattoo about 2 weeks ago.. ok, first 4. and i shoulda have jsut waited about a month but i act on impulse way too much and the guy that did mine completely fucked it up. like. i thought it was prettygood at first, till everyone that saw it said it looked like complete shit. so…:( yeeeeeah.. i took a picture from a distance and i think it looks pretty good but then i took a picture up close, and its just.. all wrong, practically none ofthe lines are straight. my sister thought the top diamond was a purse till she asked me! i was like ‘ a fucking purse?! are you kidding me?!!?’
    it was bad. but idk. i need an opinion from someone else who isnt just trying to bea complete asshole. lol 🙂

    the op diamond is supposed to be 3-D, i know and i keep hearing that it will look alot better when the colors finished. but idk how soon thats gonna be. the top closest corner to my boob felt like i was having needles shoved into my left nipple and it was notttttt very pleasant! haaa!
    then the rest are sposed to be like dripping paint.. but he did a few more drips roo many and theres lines thru em so they look kinda lame. =

    please help me out here!!!!!!


    ^^^^ the whole shebang… on the left side.. =) ^^^^

    vvvv — the colors darkened to see the lines better.. — vvvv



    just tell me how you think i can fix this problem!!!!:([/COLOR]


    Hi BB

    Without being disrespectful that tattoo simply has not been done by a pro artist.
    My first piece of advice would be to smash the tattoo ‘artist’ in his face repeatedly with his tattoo machine for picking it up and using it.

    The tattoo really needs either a complete rework by a very experienced artist. The rework however is going to be quite difficult as the lines and dimensions are simply so far out. (I don’t mean to be horrible here just being honest).

    Or more preferably a total cover-up by a pro.

    I would let it heal then consider maybe getting something to cover of the tattoos up – as an example off the top of my head a phoenix and flames or floral and butterflies would cover those tattoos up nicely.

    I have seen thousands of tattoos and I know that with the right artist that ink can be corrected or covered up with a tattoo that you can be proud of.

    Happy to help with any further suggestions.

    Take Care


    Matthew hit it on the head dude chick. You’re going to need a very large total cover up on that ugly bastard. Your best bet is to go to an actual artist in an actual, full-priced, reputable tattoo shop and ask them what they think they can do for you. I’ve no doubt they’ll be able to help you out, but it’s going to cost you.

    Your alternative is, of course, to hunt down the man that did you so wrong, tie him down to a granite alter, and ritualistically disembowel him in the name of the gods of bad art in hopes that in return for this sacrifice they’ll remove this awful stain from your body.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    I’d also like to add please do not go back to this guy to see how it looks with color. From the looks of what he has done so far the best thing you can do is stay as far as possible from this “artist”.

    Right now there isn’t to much ink done and a cover is very doable but if you add messy color in their it will only make it much much more difficult.

    Hope all turns out well.


    … Do you look at the stencil when they put it on you? I am meaning this is the nicest way possible.., but this is almost as good as people who get script on them and it is spelled wrong.

    Chi-Tonw. PRIME EXAMPLE.

    Just be careful where you go, and who does it.

    I would rather shell out more money for an amazing tattoo, than less money for a shitty tattoo.


    hmmm… yeaaa… i take it that the “artist” in question was a friend of a friend that said he could “hook you up” with some “sweet ink” for a cheap price to try and look like a bad ass infront of you so he could get in ur pants. and sorry to say, but he fucked your side up. like stated above, it can be covered. but only by a artist that KNOWS what he is doing this time. dont let some other friend of a friend tell you he can cover it and you blieve him. and i saw that you are only 17, so im going to take it this was done without mommy and daddys approval, so you are trying to keep this under wraps? cuz i know when i was 17, my mommy wouldnt say yes to a professional artist, let alone a “artist” that would have me laying on a couch with god knows what bacteria and whatnot all around in a very very sub tattoo standard room…

    orry if that made no sense everyone, im workin on over 24 hours with no sleep here so im one step below delusional.


    I think some pretty, colorful flowers would cover it up nicely. But you are looking at alot of $$ to get something nice.


    agreed. ill try to get a picture of my sisters sides that she has flowers up it. looks amazing.


    since it is just an outline you are able to have it redone. go find a new artist have then reoutline it and color it. it should come out incredible. then after it is done go smash the other artist in the face with a bat



    Did this artist show you any portfolio work?

    Go to actual pro, pay price, live long, prosper.:D


    unfortunately the damage is already done….. this piece could be made nice by the right artist. You need to check out their portfolio and dont just pick the first artist you speak to, go see others and get their oppinions, and remember not to fall into the money trap again….. cheep aint good and good aint cheep 😉


    Luckily, it’s just lined and as said earlier, you can have it fixed. Do not go back to that person and tell anyone/everyone to stay away…far away from him. Sorry you had a horrible first experience with ink.


    go break his legs….


    Wtf, my first tattoo that i did came out better than that , i think you should kick that scartcher’s ass for doing that to you, no disrespect to you.

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