Hi, I really would like thes two paintings as a tattoo on my arm, and woudl like ti as big yet looking right as possible, how could I make the two kind of flow together and in your opinion would it be a nice tattoo,
and there is significant eaning to the painitngs for me.
your opinion would mean alot, thanks.
I also want to get a painting tattoo done as well. More along the lines of Picasso and Van gouh
the first painting would not really make a good tattoo,its too busy and there aint much definituin between the parts within it..
the second one would be ok as it aint hard to make a good artistic interpretaton of it as a tattoo, although i would suggest loosing the background.
personally they wouldnt fit into each other very well at all, and you did then the size would need to be as big as possibl because of the detail.
I would agree with you after staring at ti for a long time, I couldnt figur any wy to incorporate the two of them together, but im not much of an artist so just lookin for other opinions. I appreciate what you said very much,
I can’t help with the tattoo aspect of them, but I really love the paintings
you could get the swans part of the painting tattooed .
will make a real cool tattoo if a good artist does it , i love the elephant reflections :rolleyes:
the second painting im not a fan off but it will work as a tattoo if done large
I can understand about the head painting, it is kinda out there, and I thought it would be rather difficult to do, or of course it owuld have to be large to compensate for the detail, but then again, i dont know that much about them which is why i asked on here. Thank you everyone for your responses, I greatly appreciate them, I love paintings and think that the ones I have seen make amazing tattoo’s for the most part.
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