
    I’m planning on getting my second tattoo soon. I love the quote “Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow”. I was originally planning on doing an inner wrist tattoo. But that seems a little too large for the wrist. Do you think just using the words “Learn, Live, Hope” will get the same idea across as the quote? I was also thinking about my foot… but does the quote seem a little too long for the foot also? Like too many lines? Anyone have different suggestions? Anything helps… thanks!


    As part of my research on tattoos one of the things I was considering was the replacement of words with symbols.

    I am just tossing out a rough idea scrap it if you dislike it.

    An example would be a dove (hope) holding a parchment in their mouth which has an empty hourglass (yesterday) behind which is a rising sun (marking a new day or present day).

    I know it is odd but I am sure that you come up with a descriptive piece that symbolises that passage if you did not want the words.

    Alternatively you could fit the phrase quite easily across your foot or even have it swirl upwards towards the ankle.

    Good luck and let us know what you decide.


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