I am a filipino and I am very interested in getting a polynesian/Hawaiiam tattoo. The only reason I haven’t gotten it yet is because I was wondering if it was disrespectfal, looked down upon, wrong for me to get this type of tattoo. Any help is greatly appreciated…
There are 3 views on this;
1. The hardcore traditionalists who state that cultural tattoos should be for their culture only and they won’t tattoo those other than their own culture.
2. Those who say that culture is there to be appreciated in all forms and since tattooing is an art form no reason why you should not have it done.
3. Those who just don’t give a damn eitherway.
I am with number 2 a good tattoo is never disrespectful – if it is something you love and you want it – then get it done.
Most people will not lift an eyebrow eitherway, some will enjoy looking at your tattoo, and those that fall into number one category are so small I wouldn’t worry about it.
Enjoy your tattoo and cannot wait to see your proposed designs.
My 2 pence worth 😉
why would you think it might be disrespectful?
personally i would see it as a compliment
I sit with number 2 on this one. Its art!
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