

    My view on the matter is very simple. It is about maturity and sterility that marks a craftsman from a wannabe.

    Not everybody can go down the apprentice route (that is a fact) but if a person is willing to put enough time and research into the subject (in any skilled craft) and learns everything they can to avoid endangering others and treats it with respect I never have an issue with it.

    For me the whole scratcher issue is about the attitude and professionalism of the individual.

    The days of home made machines in the garage are long gone as the internet has made tattooing a mainstream subject so that just about anybody can grab a machine and some ink and start to fuck up ppl’s lives.

    The real test are those who are willing to study about BBP’s, hazardous waste handling and disposal, understanding spore dispersal and monitoring as well as autoclave usage (and abusage), quality pigments, general hygiene and workshop maintenance, single use disposables etc etc


    They even consider picking up a machine to practice on fruit or skins is on the right tracks. This is not the scratcher ethos (theirs is very simple I want to make a stack of money and act like a bad ass with no regard for consequences).

    I do not think you have deceived anybody nor have you come across as in it for $ and fuck everybody attitude.

    I take my hat off to your artistic ability and the common sense you have shown in developing your skills.

    Take Care


    Matthew. I again appreciate your words. Hygene is my utmost concern when doing a piece. I will not use half-ass equipment, nor will I use cheap products. I meant every word that I have commented to each individual that came on here asking for technical help, when I said to get an apprenticeship. My family financial situation will not allow me to serve an apprenticeship at this time, and pay my bills. So, I will keep Ironworking to take care of my dear ones (a wife and 4 children.) I will also continue to study on the art of tattooing, and when someone comes to me with a design, if it is one that I know I can do and make it look good, I will. As I commented to you before, it is an art, I will do everything in my power to excel at it, and will not put out trash by biting off more than I can chew, nor will I take short cuts. Again, safety is my utmost concern. Perhaps when my wife finishes getting her degrees in her field of study, and then can locate work, I can then pursue my heart. Until then take care all, and I will see you all around in the forum.


    Here is is. I went ahead and added the text around the rest llast night. I owe Matthew (sherav) a big thanks for his suggestion on the phrase to put around it. My wife and I love it.


    very nice , i have that font on my comp 😉



    That is looking very nice – can I ask what font type it is?

    I was also wondering if I could use that pic in my blog/next ebook I am currently putting together?
    I will accredit yourself as the copyright owner.

    Eitherway it is looking like some very sweet ink.

    Take Care


    i have a few fonts like that , one is called chinese take away ! :p yum


    The font I used here was called Shanghai. I downloaded it and installed it to my PC from dafonts.com. Tana pointed out before that some of the fonts on there have bugs in them, so if you try to get one from there, I recommend a virus scan before installing any of them. There was another similar type of font on there called Bonzai. I just didn’t like it as much.

    Matthew, I will admit, I don’t really own the copyright of the pattern. Believe it or not, I actually found the design on a free flash site from France. BUt you have my full permission to publish anything I do. I thank you for the honorof asking, and of course don’t forget to credit yourself with helping me come up with the text.

    Thanks again for the compliments y’all.


    actually by law any photograph you take is yours and you can claim copyright for it if someone uses it without your permission ! the trouble is it can be hard with some photos to prove that its your photo
    ( if its of an famous land mark …..etc )


    I didn’t know that. Something else I have learned from here. hehehe Well, as I stated, Y’all have permission to use any of my pics if you like. I’m not like that. lol Take care.


    Im sorry to close this one down but we dont allow you to post your work on here unless you are a tattoo artist working in a shop or unless you are a collector showing their recieved tattoos.

    we have foerum rules and i suggest you read them.


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