alright so here’s a bit of background info, i have 2 tats so far, one on each shoulder blade. i have an angel (black and white) on my left upper back, and the phrase ‘to live is the rarest thing in the world’ tattooed on my right upper back in 2 lines, black, old english text, no idea what the font size is (it isn’t very big) – placement is below my right trapezius by a few inches. i wish i had photos to show you guys to give you a better visual idea but i don’t, sorry.
basically, i’m looking to expand this lettering tattoo and incorporate it into a larger design (obviously with pictures, not looking to add more words), as it’s starting to look a bit plain/isolated/whatever… the idea i had in mind when i first got it was to make it look very minimalistic and simple, but now i’m thinking that it could use some additional work and would look a lot better as part of a bigger design. therefore, need some help coming up with ideas on how i could expand it out into a larger tattoo, ofc following the theme/premise of the quote. i actually want to enlargen it quite a bit, wouldnt mind having it extend all the way to the top of my right trapezius or even to the top of my right shoulder, so i don’t mind incorporating multiple images/backgrounds into the design. everything should preferably be in black and grey. THE MORE ABSTRACT THE BETTER
alright sorry for the long windedness, would really appreciate you guys’ input. thanks for any help in advance
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