Hi Every 1 ,
I’ve got this tattoo on my back that takes up 1/3 of the top of my back , i really want rid of it as i dont like it , i was young when i got it done my mate did it for me when he was 1st trying out tattoos from his home , but all the 1’s he did recently have been ok i like them but this 1 on my i really dont like , im ashamed to show it too people coz im scared they will laugh at it and it makes me feel paranoid having this tattoo on my back is there anything u can suggest i can get down to it , i will pay for laser to get most of it removed and then get it coverd up by something , or do u think i should just get it coverd up and not need laser removal on it , im really stuck and need advise on this , could u please help me ?
Thomas Bl