just joined today because i wanted ideas and opinions for a new tattoo. i was thinking of getting a quote, not too sure where on my body though. i want it to be related to not being afraid of failure (or something like that) any ideas?? 🙂
My personal idea is to skip the quote and focus on an image to represent the words. It’s just my opinion but I really don’t like just quote tattoos, especially ones with some type of life motto or inspirational crap like that. To me, quotes belong on t-shirts and bumper stickers. Get something more artistic and creative and don’t over think the meaning.
thanks! i have one tattoo that is an image of a flower but represents a whole story almost (well to me anyway) thats why i wanted to get the quote. i just find it very difficult to describe a feeling through a picture .
Then just get something that looks cool to you and you can put whatever meaning you want to it. Despite what the tv tattoo shows will lend you to believe, not every tattoo has to have deep sentiment and tell a life story. Not every feeling or emotion or time in your life needs to be documented through a tattoo. I’m sorry I’m not really answering your original question though.
no i completely agree with what you are saying…i dont think every tattoo has to have some deep meaning behind it but this one in particular i’d like it to mean something. i just thought i’d get a quote as when people read it they know the meaning as the words are there in front of them but a picture you get asked all the time “what does it mean?” or “why did you get that?” this time i just wanted to get one where it speaks for itself and people can love it or hate it!!
a picture says a thousand words
also, i reckon you’re more likely to regret a quote in 20 years than a picture than can have many meanings. plus as Adler mentioned, they look crap.
well i wouldnt say i have a quote as a tattoo more of song lyrics that make sence and i hold true. The way i see it is if you get a quote its going to have to be something your going to hold true for the rest of your life. Mine says ” If your heart was broken youd be dead”, it reminds me to never let a female bring you down to a level where you feel like killing your self is the only option.I say go for it but make sure its going to make sence to you, fuck what anyone else thinks. you get tattoos for yourself and no one else.
If you want to get a quote as a tattoo then you should. No one here can tell you not to, and it shouldn’t influence you what others say. Sometimes you just know you want a tattoo when you see it/think of it. I have 2 quote tattoos and it’s almost as Mott said:
I live by mine, and I’m glad I got them. My first and second tattoos are pictures and people would always ask me what they mean, why I got it etc., where as a quote they read it and say “awesome….whats that from?” If you’re looking for a quote, look them up and find one you can connect to.
The hard part isn’t finding the quote, but the font that fits it the way you want it to.
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