
    Hey everyone! I posted in the questions section a while ago, asking about a blown-out tattoo over my collarbone, and how to go about fixing it when the artist who did it said it wasn’t fixable.. I found a very reputable artist who says it’s totally salvageable and made an appointment a month or so ago to get it fixed on Monday… He suggested filling it in and then shading around the outside with color to hide the blowout.

    Problem is, I have no idea what color to use. I personally don’t care for colored tattoos on me.. On other people they’re beautiful; I just can’t ever decide on anything and I get frustrated over one color being on me for the rest of my life.. Weird, but that’s just how I think… All of my other tattoos have no color except for two smaller feathers on my back, which I can’t ever see anyway. I don’t even have a favorite color myself! :confused:

    And then I thought, what if I could find the color that represents anxiety and use that!? (tattoo represents my anxiety) I tried finding psychological “meanings” of color and relate one with anxiety but I get wishy-washy answers on each website and can’t find any credible sources really…

    Does anyone have any experience with emotion and color, or maybe just personal opinions/suggestions or ideas?




    I wouldn’t want you to feel “Blue” over this. That would make me so angry I would see “red”. People that can make excellent decisions on the spur of the moment make me “green” with jealousy. Some people are too “yellow” to make important decisions.

    How about the more subtle “watercolor” style technique?

    Keep us posted.


    Ha I like those!

    I think the watercolor is beautiful. I’m into purples and blues.. but what I’ve researched, there’s not much relation with those colors to anxiety. “Green” is the color of the anxiety awareness ribbon, but honestly green would be the last color I’d do… it reminds me of grass. lol.

    I see red linked to anxiety the most…. it’s said to increase your heart rate, make you feel emotions more intensely, aid in fight or flight response… etc. But I’ve heard the same for yellow.. and it’s supposed to make babies cry.. wtf? .. Really.

    I think I might look into watercolor. Isn’t it true, though, that not all artists can do watercolor?

    Thanks for your input. I appreciate it. 😮


    It’s color. Reflections of light. There is no such thing as one right meaning behind one color. It’s just something people make up for whatever reason. Some colors may affect some emotions, like red with bulls. But come on. Most of this is fairly natural, like very bold colors are clearly more stimulating, while pastels and calmer colors are, calmer!

    Chose whatever you think fits you best! You can GIVE it meaning 🙂


    I agree to an extent… I think they can have an effect on us to some degree…

    Making a decision like this is hard to do when you’re not into color or are into too many colors, not one scheme in particular. I don’t want a rainbow tattoo.. hah.


    @SquishyBarb 131803 wrote:

    He suggested filling it in and then shading around the outside with color to hide the blowout.

    Is that really what you want?


    @ArniVidar 131817 wrote:

    Is that really what you want?

    I don’t see any other choice really. I don’t want to do a coverup because I don’t want any other tattoos, but I can’t leave it looking the way it does. Originally I thought the only way I could represent molecules was the way they currently look, but I found other ways, so that if I shaded them in they would still represent it right.. If that makes sense. It bothers me that it’s such a new tattoo but it looks so old already. I don’t want to leave it like that.


    @SquishyBarb 131819 wrote:

    I don’t see any other choice really.

    I am just worried that you are rushing into this far too quickly, and will end up not liking it any more because you’ve gone for something you don’t really want. Just be sure it’s truly what you want before going through with it. Monday can wait indefinitely if it means the difference between being certain and being on the fence.


    @ArniVidar 131823 wrote:

    I am just worried that you are rushing into this far too quickly, and will end up not liking it any more because you’ve gone for something you don’t really want. Just be sure it’s truly what you want before going through with it. Monday can wait indefinitely if it means the difference between being certain and being on the fence.

    Thank you for the concern, really. 😮 (not sarcasm) I am certain that I want to fix it, without making it much larger. I am not on the fence about coloring the molecules in. If I add anything to it, it makes it more complicated than I would like for it to be… I would like for it to stay simple and adding color seems like the best way to keep it so. The only thing I am on the fence about is the actual color aspect, because I really have little preference, other than cooler colors.


    I think you need to take a month off and think about how you want it to look. If you’re really fundamentally interested in the coloring, that’s one thing, but the way you’re using language doesn’t convince me.


    @SquishyBarb 131831 wrote:

    If I add anything to it, it makes it more complicated than I would like for it to be… I would like for it to stay simple and adding color seems like the best way to keep it so.

    The color IS adding to it, and there is a ginormous difference between your (relatively) fine linework and then a colored piece of a similar or slightly bigger size. It is also going against your explicit thoughts that you “don’t care for colored tattoos on me”.

    Also, adding colors to the inside and shading with colors on the outside will do nothing for the blowout, which will still be visible if the color is lighter than black.

    Regarding the colors of anxiety, why would you want to wear a tattoo that continually reminds you to be stressed? Why not get colors that are calming and beautiful to you? Surely a tattoo in such a place should not be the cause of perpetual anxiety for the rest of your life?

    Forget tomorrow’s appointment. It would be silly to go and get ink done just now.


    I think you should call and cancel…

    I honestly don’t think the blow out is THAT bad, not so much that it needs a cover up or to be fixed really!
    If you hate it, go to your appointment and see what they can do.


    I appreciate all of your opinions.

    Thanks again.


    The advice they are giving you is good advice. I had a tattoo with blown lines that was “fixed” by the artist adding a shadow. I like it a lot less with the shading than I did when it was blown. I wish I had left it alone.

    Lucky for me it is on the back of my hip, so I almost never see it. You are going to see yours EVERY day. Don’t change it unless you are 100% sure. If you can’t pick a colour yet then now is not the time. Seriously.

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