
    Hey guys,

    I got this as a quarter arm piece originally for previous career reasons, however i want to extend it to half-sleeve length (probably just before my elbow). I feel the tattoo stops so suddenly and would be hard to add something in (especially where the geisha body stops). Anyone have some ideas on what what blend nicely and have a clean finish?

    Note I’m thinking to incorporate a fighting tiger on the inside of my bicep as well, however doesn’t solve this problem.




    This is a kind of finish i was hoping to achieve, do you think this is possible? and how would i go about this, especially around the geisha’s body. Going back to the same artist is out of the question at the moment as well, as it was done overseas.

    Thanks alot guys, any feedback is appreciated


    @rj3723 141869 wrote:

    I got this as a quarter arm piece originally for previous career reasons,


    You were a Japanese lady singing karaoke?


    @buttwheat 141909 wrote:

    You were a Japanese lady singing karaoke?

    Killed me.


    Hahaha i see what you did there. In seriousness, i meant to say i had it quarter length cause i didn’t want it to be visible in t-shirts for career reasons.


    When you had it originally done, did you tell the artist that you might want to continue it down your arm later? Even if you didn’t, the artist may have planned for that, even though it doesn’t look like it to you. I have had artists tell me at the end of a session that they did it a certain way so that it could be added onto later. And recently had an artist suggest that I add onto the top of my sleeve, and although I can’t envision how that would be done I could see that he already had some ideas.

    Find a really good artist that specializes in Japanese style and ask them what your options are. It is what they do, so they will be able to give you some suggestions and work with you so that you end up with a cohesive sleeve.

    Actually, you should find a really GREAT artist. And then be open to their suggestions.

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